Free Early Years Place Providers

This information is for early years and childcare providers operating in Nottinghamshire County (excluding the City)

If you need to contact the Council's Early Years team please contact us at:

Early Childhood Services
Tel: 0115 977 2510

Provider Agreement 

Extended Childcare for 3 and 4 year olds (30 hours)

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Apply for Early Years Inclusion Funding

Apply to review Early Years Inclusion Funding

Apply using the Capped Inclusion Funding Process


Early Years Pupil Premium

Deprivation Fund


The Prevent Duty 

Quality and Attainment Support

Training and Development

Data Protection and GDPR


Synergy Provider Access Module (PAM) and Payments information

Tracking Children’s Progress

Children’s Centre Services in Nottinghamshire

Local and National EY Guidance

Health Promotion Resources and Guidance


Notts Help Yourself Guidance

Business Sustainability

Recruitment Information

Equality and Diversity

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