Safeguarding and inclusion


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility the following courses will support you to meet the requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS 2017).

It is also recommended that leaders and mangers in early year's settings attend further Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) multi agency training or seminars relevant to their role. For information on NSCP please go to the website.

We are currently delivering the following courses:

Inclusion and equalities

The EYFS 2017 expects early years providers to identify a SENCO and have arrangements in place to support children with special educational needs and/ or disabilities.

The role of the SENCO involves:

  • ensuring all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibilities to children with SEN and the setting's approach to identifying and meeting SEN
  • advising and supporting colleagues 

We are currently delivering the following courses:

Watch out for our conference events. Details to follow!

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