Helping you to be independent over the longer term

As a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, and in response to the Coronavirus Act 2020, we are making some temporary but significant changes to the way we provide adult social care in Nottinghamshire. This is to make sure that we can support the most vulnerable people in our communities during this time. Find out more about our Adult Social Care offer

If you still have needs after trying community resources and some short-term options such as rehabilitation, we can look at what you might need in the longer term.  We will always remember that the purpose of any support will be to help you maintain or restore your independence, helping you to live as settled and fulfilled a life as possible.

We advise you to contact our Customer Service Centre on 0300 500 80 80 who will be able to look at options that could help you. We will ensure that your support is appropriate to your needs and will keep your progress under review.

We will always ensure that your support is appropriate to your needs and will keep your progress under review. We use the national criteria for eligibility for social care support [PDF].

We will have conversations with you, your carers and family about your aims for the future and your expectations about ongoing formal social care. This will include how we can work together and share responsibility with them and other providers in meeting your needs.

If you contribute towards the cost of your care, we will ensure you are only paying for what is required.  We will also work with you, so you are informed about any benefits you are entitled to.

Support you can receive at home

If you need help with everyday tasks such as getting washed and dressed, getting out and about, preparing and cooking food or healthcare support, you may choose to employ a Personal Assistant (PA) to help you with your care and support. 

Home care agencies provide another option if you are eligible for support. Staff can help support you with daily activities such as getting in and out of bed, getting dressed and going to the toilet.

There is a range of simple equipment you can buy that could help you with simple tasks around the home. You can also find out about small adaptations such as grab rails which can be carried out by our Handy Person Adaptations Service or major adaptations such as widening doors or installing ramps.

If you are a carer, find out what advice, information and support is available.

Somewhere to live

Shared Lives is a scheme aiming to help people experience ordinary life with real relationships. Support is mainly provided within, or connected to, a Shared Lives carer’s own home. Carers are trained to support older people, people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health needs.

Supported living for younger adults offers a level of independence and the chance to meet other people in similar situations. People with high levels of needs can live in supported living with appropriate support in place. Staff will be available at agreed times and will work with you to help you.

Extra care housing, or ‘housing with care’ offers people the privacy of their own self-contained home and the security of tenancy or ownership rights within a community setting, with personal care readily available. This type of scheme is generally for over 55s but can also be appropriate for some younger people who have personal care needs.

If you are considering residential care, we would advise you to contact us for a conversation about your needs. This is strongly advised, even if you are funding the cost of your own care. Firstly, it will ensure that you have taken full advantage of our expertise – we can provide information and advice and possibly suggest alternative ways to meet your needs.


Getting out and about

If you find it difficult to travel, there are a range of options to help you including independent travel training, community transport schemes and accessible taxis.

If you are eligible for social care services, you may feel that a day service is the best way of meeting your needs, following discussion with a social care worker. Some day services are run by the Council and others by independent organisations.


Paying for care

Most people have to pay something towards the cost of their care and support. A financial assessment will be completed to calculate how much you have to pay for care and support.

We recommend that you get financial information and advice from an expert if you are making decisions about paying for care now or in the future.


Sensory impairments

Our Adult Deaf and Visual Impairment Service can provide advice and support to help you live independently.


Moving to adult services

If you are currently receiving children’s social care and are now approaching adulthood, you can find out more about moving to adult services.


Asperger’s syndrome

If you have Asperger’s syndrome there is a variety of support available. We also have a team who can provide advice and support to adults with Asperger’s.


Help and support

Have you completed our Help and support for you form? We recommend you do as it will provide you with personalised advice and information that should help you. 


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