Home care
If you are an older person or have a physical disability, learning disability or mental health needs, you may be eligible for home care support.
Home care staff can help support you with daily activities such as getting in and out of bed, getting dressed and going to the toilet.
They may also help with daily living or domestic tasks like laundry, shopping and some meal preparation.
The aim of support in your own home is to increase or maintain your independence so that you can remain living at home for as long as possible.
The amount of support you require may reduce over time as you regain your ability to do things for yourself. We will work with you to review the level of support you need to stay independent in your own home.
Home care services are provided by:
- independent agencies
- voluntary agencies
- individuals.
Some of our Home Based Care Services are being reviewed and new contracts will be set up. Find out more about how you can be involved in our new focus group.
All homecare providers must be registered with the Care Quality Commission. A full list of home care providers is available on the Notts Help Yourself website.
We currently use one main home care company for each area of Nottinghamshire with additional providers available if required:
There are different ways to arrange and pay for home care support.
- you can organise and pay for your own support. See our guidance for self-funders.
- if you have eligible needs following a care and support assessment and are offered a personal budget from the council to pay for your support you can either take this as:
- a Direct Payment so that you can organise your own home care. For more information on Direct Payments see the Council's policy
- a managed service, this means the council will organise support for you.
Home care response
To help you stay living independently at home we can provide a 24 hour emergency home care response service.
How does it work?
Using a lifeline or Telecare system you will be able to call the 24 hour emergency home care response service. The staff receiving your call will respond in a variety of ways to deal with the emergency such as:
- giving advice and reassurance through your lifeline unit
- calling a GP or the emergency services
- sending cares from the 24 hour emergency home care response service.
How can I get this service?
You must be eligible for care and have completed a care and support assessment.
How much does it cost?
The service costs £9.55 per week, or £19.10 if you need two carers.
For full details of the service see our 24 hour emergency home care factsheet [PDF].