End of life care
There is a variety of support available to people nearing the end of their life, as well as their families, friends and carers.
In the first instance you should talk to your social worker, GP, district nurse or any other health or social care worker. They will know about the best support available locally and how you can access it.
Registering a death and organising a funeral
Our Registration service can sensitively take you through the legal process of registering a death.
You can also find out about organising a funeral and civil funerals.
Further support
For more support on end of life care visit:
- Nottinghamshire Help Yourself - local and national information to support people approaching death
- NHS Choices - information and support on end of life care issues
- Dying Matters Coalition - help changing attitudes and behaviours towards death and bereavement
- Dying Matters - advice, support and guidance on talking about dying
- Pathways Carer Support [PDF] - practical and emotional support for carers who are looking after someone nearing the end of their life.
- End of life advance care plan [WORD] - developed by health and social care professionals at Kings Mill Hospital.