Documents - made 25 October 2018

A copy of the order, accompanying plans and other associated Orders may also be seen at all reasonable hours at the offices of the acquiring authority of Nottinghamshire County Council at County Hall, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP

Any objection to the orders must be made in writing to the Secretary of State for Transport, National Transport Casework Team, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7AR before 21st December 2018 and should state the title of the order, the grounds of objection and the objector’s address and interests in the land.

In submitting an objection, it should be noted that your personal data and correspondence will be passed to the Council to enable your objection to be considered. If you do not wish your personal data to be forwarded, please state your reasons when submitting your objection and the Secretary of State will copy your representations, with your name and address removed, to the Council. If there is to be a Public Local Inquiry they will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result.

Note: Some of the following documents are very large files.

Side Roads Order (SRO)

Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

Statement of Reasons

Confirmed orders and plans


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