4Uth 2022 winners

Kieron Roper, 18, Mansfield


Kieron is 18 and is now attending university studying for a degree. He lives in Mansfield and was nominated by youth worker, Emma Betteridge.

Kieron has made a positive impact to the Children in Care Council over many years. Whilst working through the challenges of living in care, Kieron has remained committed to the group sessions and undertook various roles of additional responsibility, taking notes, helping staff, being an excellent role model for others and keeping the groups going throughout the pandemic.

Whilst working hard at weekends to gain independence, Kieron has also just completed his A Levels, remaining 100% dedicated despite life's challenges, including a change in home. Kieron is looking forward to the next life chapter of attending university: currently only 6 per cent of care experienced young people attend higher education.

Kieron has been an advocate/voice for all looked after children and young people in the care system by getting involved in a variety of projects that have influenced and improved the care system including, health, foster carer training, introduction of a more caring language being introduced across the council and clarifying young people’s rights.

Recently Kieron created an educational recording which involved giving his ideas and feedback on what young people in care need from GPs and health care appointments. The recording has been sent to various NHS Trusts and children and young people’s health services to educate professionals from a young person’s point of view.

Emma says, “Kieron is an excellent role model and determined young adult who leaves a definite positive energy in the children in care council as he seeks to live out his ambitions through hard work and commitment”.

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