4Uth 2022 winners

Ebony Hutton, 19, Ashfield


Ebony is 19 and attends Vision West Notts college and lives in Kirkby. Ebony has been nominated by Emma Betteridge, a youth worker who supports Ebony.

Ebony has dedicated her time and passion in setting up the 16+ and care leavers' groups for young adults who are care- experienced. This enables young people and young adults to have a formal and professional voice within the care system, she also arranges social activities where the group can come to together and have fun.

Having this group means that those young people can have their say, discuss their experiences and shape services for themselves and other young people. On several occasions Ebony has been a guest speaker and attended training events for professionals where she discusses her experiences. This positive learning experience has made a great impact on how professionals work with children and young people.

Ebony’s commitment has made a long-lasting impact on opportunities for others. Many see Ebony as a great role model, she is very inspiring to our younger members and often gives solid advice and guidance. She has been involved in many creative projects to educate others including art, spoken word and short videos about her experiences.

Emma states “I am very proud to know Ebony. She has been in care most of her life and seeks to define herself as a unique individual with great potential for the future. Ebony works hard to overcome the challenges she has faced from her dyslexia and her background."

Her care and thought for others are evident in all she does.

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