Council key roles
Every councillor is elected to represent a particular area of the county, but they may also play a specific role in running the council.
The role of the Leader is to:
- provide effective leadership to Nottinghamshire
- represent Nottinghamshire on other agencies
- act as an ambassador for the County by being a spokesperson
- promote the work of the County Council.
The current Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council is Councillor Ben Bradley.
Deputy Leader
The Deputy Leader deputises for the Leader when they are not available.
The current Deputy Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council is Councillor Bruce Laughton.
Cabinet Members
Individual Cabinet Members take executive decisions relating to the service areas delegated to them by the Leader.
Select Committee Chairmen
Overview and Select Committee Chairmen make sure that the decisions of Cabinet are properly monitored and lead the scrutiny process, which holds decision makers to account.
Regulatory Committee Chairs
Committee chairs are responsible for the effective conduct of their committee. Each Committee concentrates on specific areas of the Council's work, such as Planning and Rights of Way matters. Find out more about committees.
Chairman of County Council
The Chairman is the Civic Head of the County Council. This is largely a ceremonial role, and the Chairman does not have any extra political power or influence.
The Chairman:
- is elected by the Members of the County Council and becomes Chairman at the County Council Annual Meeting in May of each year. A ceremony is performed at the Annual Meeting, when the Chain of Office is removed from the out-going Chairman and placed around the neck of the new Chairman by the Chief Executive. The new Chairman is proposed by a member of his/her own party and is often seconded by a member of the opposition. Following the Chain of Office Ceremony the Chief Executive unveils a portrait of the incoming Chairman
- holds the Office of Chairman for, usually, one year before returning to a position as a backbench Member (unless elected to a Chairman/Vice Chairman position of a Committee)
- has the casting vote at Full Council meetings at which he/she is chairing if required
- is the Civic Head of the County Council. In this capacity he/she is invited to represent the Council at a large number of functions organised by firms, churches, clubs, schools and many other organisations through the County. The Chairman also attends many events which are organised by County Council Departments such as the opening of new community homes, schools, youth clubs and craft exhibitions.
- is the ‘first citizen’ of the County of Nottinghamshire.
Find out more about the current Chairman of the County Council.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire is the local representative of His Majesty the King. They represent the King at functions and ceremonies in the county, and are responsible for all Royal visits to Nottinghamshire.
The Lord-Lieutenant is not a councillor and has no say in the running of the Council.