Services available for non-safeguarding concerns

If your query does not relate to a safeguarding concern, you may wish to contact one of the teams listed below.

Team Description Contact
Open Cases relating to children

If the child has a Social Worker, please contact the Social Worker directly via the telephone number they have provided.

If you do not know the telephone number or name of the Social Worker, please call Customer Services on 0300 500 80 80


Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

0300 4564000

Early Help Unit

Early Help Unit provide information, advice and guidance about early help services in Nottinghamshire for professionals and families with children aged 0-18 years. 

0115 804 1248

Integrated Children’s Disability Service (ICDS)

Support for children and young people with disabilities aged 0 to 25 years

0115 804 1275


Emergency Duty Team

0300 456 4546

Customer Service Centre

Nottinghamshire County Council's Customer Service Centre

0300 500 8080

Compliments, comments and complaints

We want to hear your views about our services, good or bad. What you tell us helps us improve services and plan for the future.

0300 500 80 80  

Access to records

For members of the public who would like to obtain further information about yourself or a child you are responsible.

Please see our requesting personal information page or email

Requests for information

The Safeguarding Children Information Management Team (SCIMT) responds to enquiries from partner agencies in terms of whether a person is or has been known to children’s social care and can provide basic information.

 If you are a member of the public and would like to obtain further information about yourself or a child you are responsible for you please see our requesting personal information page.

0115 804 1274