Policies on shale gas development
All planning applications, including those for mineral extraction, must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For minerals development, including shale gas development, the relevant development plans are the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan and the relevant district/borough Local Plan, plus any Neighbourhood Plans that are in force.
Planning applications need to demonstrate that the proposed development accords with policies in these plans. In terms of other material consideration that can be taken into account, these can range from national guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance to consultee responses, neighbour representations and any other information relevant to the application.
When assessing applications for shale gas development, topics that are likely to be considered include:
- Impact on residential amenity
- Lighting, dust and noise
- Operating hours of the site
- Transport and routes to get to the site
- Heritage features and archaeology
- Wildlife and flora including any important habitats/protected species that might be disturbed
- Impact on water resources and potential flood risks
- Site restoration and aftercare once the works have been completed