Nottinghamshire SEND improvement plan (priority action plan)
Following the local area SEND inspection earlier in 2023, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have now approved the local area's SEND improvement plan (Priority Action Plan).
Read the Nottinghamshire's SEND Improvement Plan [Word]
The SEND improvement plan is part of the Nottinghamshire SEND Improvement Programme and details the actions that the local area will take to address the two priority actions identified by the inspection:
Priority action 1
Leaders, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board and education, health, and care providers should cooperate to urgently identify, assess and provide for the needs of children and young people with SEND. This includes assessment of needs, timely issuing of Education, Health and Care Plans and holistic oversight of these plans through annual reviews.
Priority action 2
Leaders, including commissioners and providers, should act urgently to identify and address the delays and gaps in access to some health services, particularly speech and language therapy, neurodevelopmental pathways, and equipment services. They should also ensure that they use available performance data to identify where gaps exist and whether actions taken to address these are effective.
Nottinghamshire SEND partnership improvement board
The SEND partnership improvement board was set up to oversee SEND improvement activity in Nottinghamshire, following the Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) local area inspection in early 2023.
The board now holds meetings every six weeks and updates can be found on our Nottinghamshire SEND partnership improvement board meetings page.
Read a message from the independent Chair, a recognised sector expert, Dame Christine Lenehan.
Feedback from the January 2024 stocktake
The DfE and NHS England stocktake in January 2024 reviewed progress made by the local area partnership against the activity outlined in the priority action plan and the SEND improvement activity.
Read the stocktake feedback letter [PDF]