Local area SEND (Ofsted and Care Quality Commission) inspection Nottinghamshire 2023
Leaders apologise for delays to services for young people with SEND
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected the Nottinghamshire local area to assess how effective the local education, health and care services are at identifying, and meeting the needs of, children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25.
The findings have been published on Ofsted's website in the Area SEND inspection of Nottinghamshire Local Area Partnership report.
Nottinghamshire’s area SEND inspection was the first to be carried out under the new new area SEND inspection framework guidance.
The Nottinghamshire local area inspection highlighted significant concerns about the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with SEND in Nottinghamshire. The partnership has been asked to address these concerns urgently.
Firstly, they need to:
- identify, assess and provide for the needs of children and young people with SEND. This includes an assessment of needs, timely issuing of Education and Health and Care (EHC) plans and holistic oversight of these plans through annual reviews
Secondly, NHS leaders, commissioners and providers are required to:
- act urgently to identify and address the delays and gaps in access to some health services, particularly speech and language therapy, neuro-developmental pathways and equipment services. NHS Leaders are also required to work together better to use available performance data to identify where gaps exist and whether actions taken to address these are effective
The report also highlighted a number of strengths:
- all partnership leaders and professionals want the best for children and young people with SEND in Nottinghamshire
- children and young people are positive about how their views and aspirations are reflected in their individual EHC plans and the support they receive
- many young people with SEND receive effective support in securing employment, education, training and independent living as they become adults in Nottinghamshire
- alternative provision is a positive experience for many children and young people
- most children and young people awaiting a specialist placement receive suitable education in a timely manner
In this video, Colin Pettigrew, Corporate Director of Children and Families, and Amanda Sullivan, Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire Care Board, respond to the results of the SEND Ofsted inspection Nottinghamshire 2023.
Future inspections
A monitoring inspection will be carried out within approximately 18 months of publication of the inspection report. The next full area SEND inspection will take place within approximately three years.
SEND improvement programme
The SEND Improvement Programme and the supporting action plan will take forward the learning from the Ofsted and CQC inspection process and the areas for improvement identified through the inspection.
Need help or support?
Notts Parent Carer Forum
An independent parent carer led organisation run by volunteers who represent the views, experiences and ideas of families that live in or access services in Nottinghamshire and have a child or young person with an additional need and/or a disability.
Any questions, please contact Notts Parent Carer Forum
Ask Us Nottinghamshire
Ask Us Nottinghamshire is the information, advice and support service for young people and parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. You can call the helpline or go to the website for help on a wide range of issues.
Ask Us can offer help to parents of a child with SEND, or if you are a young person, up to the age of 25, looking for answers.
For questions or more information, use the Ask Us Nottinghamshire's contact form
ASK Us helpline: 0800 121 7772 (leave the details requested and Ask Us will get back to you within two working days).
Notts Help Yourself
Our local offer website is a one-stop shop of information for families, with a directory of services to support children and young people with additional needs and their families.
To find out more, visit the Notts Help Yourself website