(A) For Councillors
(1) Group meetings of Members will be held as follows:-
Thursday 28th June 2012
Liberal Democrat Group - 10.00 am
Monday 2nd July 2012
Independent Group - 1.30 pm
Wednesday 4th July 2012
Conservative Group - 10.00 am
Labour Group - 1.30 pm
(2) The Chairman has agreed that the Council will adjourn for lunch at their discretion.
(3) (a) Persons making a declaration of interest should have regard to the Code of Conduct and the Procedure Rules for Meetings of the Full Council. Those declaring must indicate whether their interest is personal or prejudicial and the reasons for the declaration.
(b) Any member or officer who declares a prejudicial interest in an item must withdraw from the meeting during discussion and voting upon it, unless a dispensation has been granted. Members or officers requiring clarification on whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
(c) Declarations of interest will be recorded and included in the minutes of this meeting and it is therefore important that clear details are given by members and others in turn, to enable the Service Manager Governance and Scrutiny to record accurate information.
(4) Members are reminded that these papers may be recycled. Appropriate containers are located in the respective secretariats.
(5) Members are given an opportunity to speak for three minutes on any particular issue which relates to matters relevant to their constituencies or any particular issues arising in their electoral division. This would be an opportunity simply to air these issues in Council meeting. It would not give rise to a debate on the issues or a question or answer session
(6) Members are reminded that petitions can be presented from their seat with a 1 minute time limit set on introducing the petition.
(B) For Members of the Public
(1) Members of the public wishing to inspect "Background Papers" referred to in the reports on the agenda or Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act should contact:
Customer Services Centre 08449 80 80 80.
(2) The papers enclosed with this agenda are available in large print if required. Copies can be requested by contacting the Customer Services Centre on 08449 80 80 80. Certain documents (for example appendices and plans to reports) may not be available electronically. Hard copies can be requested from the above contact.
(3) Information in respect of this meeting is available in a wide range of languages which can be provided in large print, Braille and audio. Please contact the number referred to above.