View and comment on planning applications
Before reaching a decision on a planning application we take into account the view of people who may be affected. You may want to comment on an application because you support or have an objection; all comments are welcomed and will be considered.
We usually notify people by site notices, press notices, neighbour notification letters and by other means. A full list of how we consult is set out in the Council's Statement of Community Involvement [PDF].
We only take into account relevant planning issues; for example if a development may cause a disturbance to local residents through noise, odour or vehicle movements. We may not take into account non-planning issues such as the impact of an application on property values.
You should note that comments you make cannot be confidential; under legislation all letters received will be placed on a file which is available for inspection by members of the public or the applicant.
Viewing planning applications
Details of applications determined by the Development Management Team of Nottinghamshire County Council are available to view through this website. The information is updated daily and is taken directly from the section's own database.
Many applications have attachments which you can view online or download. These attachments are usually location plans, decision notes or conditions. All our attachments are in Adobe PDF format.
Find planning applications which are:
How to comment
You can comment on planning applications still within the public consultation period online using our list of applications open for public consultation.
Alternatively, you may contact us by email:
If you wish to comment on the application you should be aware your name, address and any comments you make will be publicly available. Your comments will be retained for the period of the application and for a relevant period thereafter.
If the public consultation period has ended please contact us by email:
Or write to:
Development Management
County Hall
Loughborough Road
West Bridgford
NG2 7QP.