Applications for 2024 are now open. You can apply here.
Over their two years on the Programme, trainees develop their skills and experience by accessing six-month placements in different services and departments across the Council.
Examples of previous placements include
Working in Public Health as part of the Covid Response Service, with a particular focus on outbreak investigation, finance and contact tracing.
Development of a Corporate Environment Strategy Action Plan, which involves identifying and implementing ways in which the Council can reduce its carbon footprint and reach our target of Net Zero by 2030.
Analysing data and developing a communications strategy as part of the Quality improvement Team within our Children’s and Families department.
Using a risk-based audit methodology within our Internal Audit Team to review our services and provide assurance that adds value and improves operations.
Working in our Growth, Infrastructure and Development Team to deliver transformational projects such as the COP26 Regional Roadshow.
This was a flagship event that promoted the environmental schemes undertaken in the region.
Leading on developing our ‘County Day’ initiative – a new yearly celebration of Nottinghamshire, which involves working with a wide range of stakeholders, researching the history of Nottinghamshire, and planning civic and public events.
Trainees usually rotate into new placements in April and October.
In the proceeding months managers are asked to submit bids for a trainee to be placed with them.
Managers need to specify the placement work, its proposed outcomes and how it will meet the development needs of a trainee.
They also need to show how the placement opportunity links to the aims identified in our Council Plan.
Bids are then assessed to identify the optimum placements for trainees.
Trainees are usually allocated their placements during their first year.
However, during their second year, trainees become increasingly involved in identifying the placements that best fit their development and career aspirations to maximise future job prospects.
As well as placements trainees are also provided with relevant learning and development opportunities and ongoing support to complete an appropriate apprenticeship standard as well as a level 5 diploma in leadership and management.