Apply for apprenticeship levy funds

As a large levy paying employer with an ambitious apprenticeship strategy that underpins the aims in our Council Plan, up to 25% of the Council’s apprenticeship levy funds can now be transferred to other employers, helping to boost the number of high quality apprenticeships across the county and developing skills and knowledge of our residents.

Find out more about the apprenticeship levy.


Before completing the application, please ensure that the following checklist applies:

  • Your organisation must have a specific presence in Nottinghamshire, either located in the county or the potential apprentice is a resident in Nottinghamshire
  • Transferred funds can only be used for the training and assessment costs of apprenticeship standards. View a full list of Apprenticeship Standards
  • You are responsible for meeting the salaries and employment costs of the apprentice
  • Your request must be for a new apprenticeship. Funds cannot be transferred for an apprenticeship where you already have an agreement with a training provider and cannot be back dated for training that has already commenced.
  • It is your responsibility to select a training provider that can deliver the apprenticeship to your specification. Training providers must be on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP)
  • A percentage of all the funds you receive as a transfer may be considered as state aid. Employers need to take account of state aid rules when receiving funds from other organisations.

You will need

Employers interested in making a bid for a levy transfer will need to apply online using the link below. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Title, level, duration and value of the apprenticeship standard
  • Details of which strategic priority aim the apprenticeship will meet
  • An indication of the longer-term plans for your apprentice on completion of the apprenticeship and a commitment to notify the Council of the outcome of the apprenticeship
  • Details of the training provider you wish to use
  • Confirmation that an agreement is not already in place with a training provider for this apprenticeship
  • You need to have registered on the Apprenticeship Service and provide your account number

What will happen next

Applications will be administered by the Council’s HR, Workforce and Organisational Development team who manage the Council’s Apprenticeship Programme and the Levy Account.

The opportunity to bid for transfer of funds will remain open throughout the year.

Transfers can only be made against a named apprentice. If your bid is successful, then approval in principle will be granted until the apprentice has been recruited and the learning provider has confirmed eligibility.

Applications will be scored against the assessment questions and the four priorities. In the event of successful applications exceeding funds availability, a selection assessment exercise will be conducted to decide on recipients who best meet the priorities.

If you still have some questions, please get in touch with us at

Apply now

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