Encouraging Active Travel in Nottinghamshire is one of the stated ambitions of this Council.
This is acknowledged in the Nottinghamshire Plan as a Council priority to tackle the Climate Emergency.
Active Travel is sadly often too unsafe in some areas of Nottinghamshire, and this is notably the case for pedal cyclists.
Over in the last decade more than 1,875 cyclists have been injured by motor vehicles across Nottinghamshire.
For cyclists, potholes and highway junctions are a particular concern when trying to get safely to their destination.
To move beyond active travel advocacy and to accelerate increasing numbers of participation, it is clear that more needs to be done to improve safety.
This Council will therefore:
l Acknowledge that more needs to be done to make active travel participants feel safe, particularly pedal cyclists who travel by road.
l Identify the most dangerous areas in each Borough and District of the County for pedal cyclists and outline the steps which will be taken to improve active travel measures in these areas, and when these changes can expect to be delivered, on the Nottinghamshire County Council website.
Councillor Penny Gowland Councillor Paul Henshaw