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Meeting Details

Full Council
25 Mar 2021 - 10:30

This meeting is being broadcast live on You Tube:-


Morning session -


Afternoon session -

  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Other Attendees
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
2 Apologies for Absence
3 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers:- (see note 3)
(a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
(b) Private Interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary)
4 Chairman's Business
5 Constituency Issues (see note 4)
Public Items
6a Presentation of Petitions (if any) (see note 5)
9 Questions

a)    Questions to Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire Authority

b)    Questions to Committee Chairmen


Business carried over from 17th December 2020 meeting


Motion six has been withdrawn


Motion One


This Council welcomes the publication of the Government White Paper, 'Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all", and authorises the Council Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care stating that this authority:-


  • supports the proposal to remove the 'barriers' and 'transactional bureaucracy' that prevent the current health system working with councils to join up planning, commissioning and service delivery, including social care for all ages;

  • supports the Government's vision of Integrated Care System (ICS) NHS and local government social care services 'forming dynamic partnerships to address some of society's most complex health problems', including a stronger platform to tackle the health inequalities we see across the County;

  • believes that the proposals set out in the White Paper can deliver a better integrated planning and commissioning system in the NHS, able to work with the County Council in a more responsive way, building on what has already been achieved 'at blistering pace' during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Councillor Tony Harper Councillor Kevin Rostance


Motion Two


This Council is concerned about the rising levels of child poverty across Nottinghamshire.  This council notes that the majority of these children have working parents who are struggling to make ends meet, as highlighted in the excellent campaign by Marcus Rashford.  This council believes that no child should go to bed hungry.


This Council agrees to task the Children and Young Peoples committee to review the provision of free school meals to those entitled throughout the year, to include the school holidays on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable future.


Councillor John Peck Councillor Liz Plant


Motion Three


On the roads of England - we drive on the left.  In places like the Ashfield District, Broxtowe Borough and Mansfield District people drive on what's left of the road.


This Council notes with dismay the state of our broken roads and pavements across Nottinghamshire.


This Council believes that funding should be allocated by road usage and not the length of roads.


We therefore call for whoever forms the next administration of Nottinghamshire County Council to carry out a full review of the processes involved in highway's maintenance and the process for allocating funding at the earliest opportunity.


Councillor Jason Zadrozny Councillor David Martin


Motion Four


This Council notes that despite more than £100m having been spent since April 2017 on roads maintenance and renewals across this County, Nottinghamshire's roads are ranked as the worst in the country, as demonstrated in 2019, when the highest number of potholes across the UK was recorded.


This council therefore commits to reviewing the practises and procedures which are currently in place to improve the quality of maintenance and pothole repairs and provide our residents with a guarantee of better value for money.


Councillor Alan Rhodes Councillor Kevin Greaves


Motion Five


This council strives to do its utmost to ensure safe outdoor environments for children, young people, families, elderly and all our residents.


To this end, this council agrees to task the Communities and Place committee with a review which will seek to extend the 20mph advisory speed limit countywide to any road situated outside a play park, leisure centre or youth centre.


Councillor Mike Pringle Councillor Errol Henry


Motion Six


This Council thanks our Chief Executive, Corporate Leadership Team and all of our employees for their outstanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic during the past year, often going above and beyond the call of duty to protect and support Nottinghamshire residents affected by Coronavirus.


Councillor John Knight Councillor Reg Adair

  Councillor Mrs Kay Cutts MBE



Exempt Items


No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Vaughan HopewellOther reasons
Martin WrightOther reasons
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Steve Carr8A member of Nottinghamshire Wildlife TrustNon-PecuniaryPrivate interest. No action required.

Other Attendees

Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting

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