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Meeting Details

Full Council
19 Dec 2019 - 10:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Other Attendees
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
2 Apologies for Absence
3 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers:- (see note below)
(a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
(b) Private Interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary)
4 Chairman's Business
a)    Presentation of Awards/Certificates (if any)
5 Constituency Issues (see note 4)
Public Items
6a Presentation of Petitions (if any) (see note 5 below)
9 Questions
a)    Questions to Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire Authority

b)    Questions to Committee Chairmen

This Council believes that a disability or health condition should not dictate the path a person is able to take in life and especially in the workplace.  There is overwhelming evidence that good quality employment is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, providing them not only with an income but also with status, purpose and positive relationships with others.


We recognise, however, that for some people with a disability or health condition there are still barriers inside and outside the workplace that can make it difficult to gain or retain employment.  We know that there are people within this County experiencing worklessness because of mental health problems and long-term conditions, and that this is a particular difficulty for those in some of our more deprived areas, and vulnerable groups such as care leavers.


In 2016 the Government published and consulted upon its ‘Work, Health and Disability’ green paper.  It then responded to the outcomes of that consultation in 2017 by publishing an updated paper, ‘Improving Lives: the Future of Work, Health and Disability’, with a stated aim to ‘transform employment prospects for disabled people and those with long term health conditions over the next 10 years’.


The focus on Brexit over the past two years slowed progress on this and other domestic policy matters, but in June 2019 new measures were announced to tackle the barriers faced by disabled people.


In light of these developments this Council will consider what more it can do to transform employment prospects for people with disabilities and health conditions in Nottinghamshire.  We recognise the good work already being carried out by officers, for example in our i-Work team, to open pathways for people to obtain quality, rewarding, lasting employment.


We commit to investigate what further proactive, cost-effective measures can be taken across all areas of our work to encourage a local mind-set focused on what people can do, rather than what they cannot.  This will be a wide-ranging, ongoing project anchored with the Policy Committee but will also see our individual service committees apply this principle in the areas of work most relevant to their remit.


Councillor Kay Cutts MBE                      Councillor Steve Vickers


This Council shares the public’s concern about the negative health and environmental impact of drivers leaving their engines idling when they have stopped or parked on our highways for an extended period of time.  This is particularly unacceptable when it happens outside schools, subjecting children to an increased risk of breathing in toxic fumes that can cause short-term respiratory problems and longer-term damage to health.


We recognise that discussions are ongoing at national government level about strengthening current laws and penalties to tackle engine idling, and we are determined to do what we can within this Council’s remit to reduce this threat, especially to the health of our young people.


This Council therefore requests the Children and Young People’s Committee to oversee the design and implementation of a ‘No Idling Schools Toolkit’ pilot scheme.  We will initially seek to recruit a small group of Nottinghamshire schools willing to test this toolkit with parents and children and feed back to us on the results.  The Council would provide the necessary support to promote the pilot and measure its success.  The outcomes will be reported to Policy Committee, which will then determine whether this toolkit should be offered to other schools across the county.


This Council also requests the Communities and Place Review and Development Committee to investigate the issue of engine idling and recommend to Policy Committee what, if any, other practical and cost-effective measures could be taken to reduce such incidents.


Councillor Neil Clarke MBE           Councillor Philip Owen

(if any)

(A)   For Councillors


(1)    Members will be informed of the date of their Group meeting for Council by their Group Researcher.


(2)    The Chairman has agreed that the Council will adjourn for lunch at their discretion.


(3)    (a)    Persons making a declaration of interest should have regard to the Code of Conduct and the Procedure Rules for Meetings of the Full Council.  Those declaring must indicate whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or a private interest and the reasons for the declaration.


         (b)    Any member or officer who declares a disclosable pecuniary interest in an item must withdraw from the meeting during discussion and voting upon it, unless a dispensation has been granted.  Members or officers requiring clarification on whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


         (c)    Declarations of interest will be recorded and included in the minutes of this meeting and it is therefore important that clear details are given by members and others in turn, to enable Democratic Services to record accurate information.


(4)    At any Full Council meeting except the annual meeting, a special meeting and the budget meeting, Members are given an opportunity to speak for up to three minutes on any issues which specifically relates to their division and is relevant to the services provided by the County Council.  These speeches must relate specifically to the area the Member represents and should not be of a general nature.  They are constituency speeches and therefore must relate to constituency issues only.  This is an opportunity simply to air these issues in a Council meeting.  It will not give rise to a debate on the issues or a question or answer session.  There is a maximum time limit of 30 minutes for this item.


(5)    Members are reminded that petitions can be presented from their seat with a 1 minute time limit set on introducing the petition.


(6)    Members are reminded that these papers may be recycled.  Appropriate containers are located in the respective secretariats.


(7)    Commonly used points of order

        36 - Supplementary Questions must be on the same matter

        50 - The Member has spoken for more than 10 minutes

        52 - The Member is not speaking to the subject under discussion

        55 - The Member has already spoken on the motion

        60 - Points of Order and Personal Explanations

        79 - Disorderly conduct


(8)    Time limit of speeches



        50 - no longer than 10 minutes (subject to any exceptions set out in the Constitution)


        Constituency Issues

        24 - up to 30 minutes allowed



        27 - up to one minute allowed


        Questions to Committee Chairmen

        32 - up to 60 minutes allowed


        Adjournment Debates

        74 - Mover has up to 5 minutes

        75 - any other Councillor has up to 3 minutes

        76 - relevant Committee Chairman has up to 5 minutes to reply


(B)    For Members of the Public


(1)    Members of the public wishing to inspect "Background Papers" referred to in the reports on the agenda or Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act should contact:

Customer Services Centre 0300 500 80 80


(2)    The papers enclosed with this agenda are available in large print if required.  Copies can be requested by contacting the Customer Services Centre on 0300 500 80 80.  Certain documents (for example appendices and plans to reports) may not be available electronically.  Hard copies can be requested from the above contact.


(3)    This agenda and its associated reports are available to view online via an online calendar -





Exempt Items


No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Other Attendees

Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting

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