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Meeting Details

Full Council
12 Jul 2018 - 10:30 to 00:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Other Attendees
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
2 Apologies for Absence
3 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers:- (see note below)
(a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
(b) Private Interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary)
4 Chairman's Business
a)    Presentation of Awards/Certificates (if any)
5 Constituency Issues (see note 4)
Public Items
6a Presentation of Petitions (if any) (see note 5 below)
9 Questions
a)    Questions to Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire Authority

b)    Questions to Committee Chairmen
Motion One

This Council notes Nottinghamshire County Council's Highways capital and revenue programme that is to be delivered during 2018/19.


This Council further notes the £20m to be invested in highways over the next 4 years.


This Council acknowledges that one of the biggest complaints Councillors received from Constituents is about the state of our broken roads and pavements.  This council recognises that there is a need for improvements across our highways network.


This Council welcomes funding spent in every District of this County and welcomes the communication with County Councillors.  It is only right that elected members take a leading role in identifying priorities over how this extra £20m will be spent over the next 4 years and we are keen to see this continued dialogue.


This Council notes however that with such a huge investment in our Highways, the quality of any work is critical.  This Council therefore instructs the Communities and Place Committee to undertake regular reviews of any highway’s improvements undertaken by this Council to ensure best practice so that any investment in our Highways benefits Nottinghamshire for the long term.


Councillor David Martin                Councillor Tom Hollis

Motion Two

The Council notes that:

1. Each year a number of young people (aged 16 or over) leave the care of Nottinghamshire County Council and began the difficult transition out of care and into adult life; and that when a young person leaves care and moves into independent accommodation, they begin to manage their own budget fully for the first time.  In many cases, this can lead to a spiral of debt for some of our most vulnerable young people.

2.  A recent report by the Children’s Society found that when care leavers move into independent accommodation they begin to manage their own budget fully for the first time.  The report showed that care leavers can find this extremely difficult and, with no family to support them and insufficient financial education, are falling into debt and financial difficulty.

3. Research from the Centre of Social Justice found that over half (57%) of young people leaving care have difficulty managing their money and avoiding debt when leaving care.

4. Nottinghamshire County Council has a duty of care to care leavers.

5. This Council notes that a number of District Councils in Nottinghamshire have already agreed or are in the process of agreeing to support young care leavers.

The Council believes that:

1. To ensure that the transition from care to adult life is as smooth as possible, and to mitigate the chances of care leavers falling into debt as they begin to manage their own finances, they should be exempt from paying Council Tax until they are aged 25.

2. Care leavers are a particularly vulnerable group for Council Tax debt.

This Council therefore resolves:

(i) To request officers to explore exempting all care leavers in work from Council tax in Nottinghamshire up to the age of 25 and a report to come to the Finance and Major Contracts Management Committee of Nottinghamshire County Council at the earliest opportunity to implement this change that will make a significant difference to so many young people’s lives.

(ii) That the Leaders of the Ashfield Independents, the Conservatives, Labour and the Mansfield Independent Forum write to the Minister of State for Children and Families, Nadhim Zahawi MP, urging him to introduce a national exemption for care leavers from Council Tax up to the age of 25.

Councillor Jason Zadrozny         Councillor Helen-Ann Smith

Motion Three

 This Council:-

a) agrees that the current ‘two-tier’ structure of the County Council and seven district councils is an inefficient and ineffective way to deliver services in Nottinghamshire, especially at a time when local government finances are under severe pressure;

b) agrees that forming a unitary council for Nottinghamshire would pool all existing resources and release approximately £20-£30 million pounds of public money annually, currently tied up in bureaucracy;

c) agrees that a unitary authority would achieve economies of scale and deliver a more responsive service to residents by:-

i) creating a single headquarters and management team for the new council to replace the eight headquarters, chief executives and senior management teams currently serving the County Council and the seven district councils;

ii) bringing all council services in Nottinghamshire together under one roof, removing duplication and requiring fewer buildings, which would also deliver capital receipts for reinvestment by disposing of surplus property;

iii) retaining two councillors per electoral division to serve the principles of localism, but removing the confusion caused by ‘two-tier’ local government where residents are frequently unclear whether they should raise issues with district councillors or county councillors;

iv) establishing single systems for council tax collection, waste management, housing and planning;

v) providing a proactive solution to the current budget challenges facing the County and district councils and thereby protecting critical services, such as adult social care, potentially avoiding steep and prolonged increases in council tax and other charges;

d) Agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government formally stating Nottinghamshire County Council’s support for a unitary council for Nottinghamshire

e) Instructs officers to continue their work preparing a formal case. 

Councillor Mrs Kay Cutts MBE               Councillor Reg Adair
Motion Four

This Council acknowledges that historically, the East Midlands has not received its fair share of funding from the Government, and therefore welcomes any efforts to form a strategic alliance with the region’s County Councils and our region’s three cities to improve this situation.


This Council is however, concerned that four County Council Leaders in this region are wishing to pursue discussions on Local Government reorganisation with the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.


This Council values localism and believes that any discussion involving the Secretary of State regarding future democratic arrangements in the East Midlands should be done with residents in mind.


To this end, this council proposes that any future discussions regarding the potential reorganisation of Local Government in Nottinghamshire should involve all District, Borough and City Council Leaders and Members of Parliament.


Councillor Alan Rhodes               Councillor Jason Zadrozny

(if any)

(A)       For Councillors


(1)       Members will be informed of the date and time of their Group meeting for Council by their Group Researcher.


(2)       The Chairman has agreed that the Council will adjourn for lunch at their discretion.


(3)       (a)       Persons making a declaration of interest should have regard to the Code of Conduct and the Procedure Rules for Meetings of the Full Council.  Those declaring must indicate whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or a private interest and the reasons for the declaration.


            (b)       Any member or officer who declares a disclosable pecuniary interest in an item must withdraw from the meeting during discussion and voting upon it, unless a dispensation has been granted. Members or officers requiring clarification on whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


            (c)        Declarations of interest will be recorded and included in the minutes of this meeting and it is therefore important that clear details are given by members and others in turn, to enable Democratic Services to record accurate information.


(4)       At any Full Council meeting except the annual meeting, a special meeting and the budget meeting, Members are given an opportunity to speak for up to three minutes on any issue which specifically relates to their division and is relevant to the services provided by the County Council. These speeches must relate specifically to the area the Member represents and should not be of a general nature.  They are constituency speeches and therefore must relate to constituency issues only.  This is an opportunity simply to air these issues in a Council meeting. It will not give rise to a debate on the issues or a question or answer session.  There is a maximum time limit of 30 minutes for this item.


(5)       Members are reminded that petitions can be presented from their seat with a 1 minute time limit set on introducing the petition.


(6)       Members’ attention is drawn to the questions put to the Chairmen of the Children & Young People’s Committee, Personnel Committee, and Leader of the Council under paragraphs 33, 40 and 41 of the Procedure Rules, and the answer to which is included at the back of the Council book.  


(7)       Members are reminded that these papers may be recycled. Appropriate containers are located in the respective secretariats.


(8)       Commonly used points of order


21 – Constituency issues should be about issues which specifically relate to the Member’s decision and is relevant to the services provided by the County Council


37 – Supplementary Questions must be on the same matter


49 – The Member has spoken for more than 10 minutes


51 – The Member is not speaking to the subject under discussion


54 – The Member has already spoken on the motion


59 – Points of Order and Personal Explanations


78 – Disorderly conduct


(9)       Time limit of speeches



49 – no longer than 10 minutes (subject to any exceptions set out in the Constitution)


Constituency Issues

21 – up to 3 minutes per speech allowed

25 – up to 30 minutes for this item allowed



28 – up to one minute per petition allowed


Questions to Committee Chairmen

33 – up to 60 minutes for this item allowed


Adjournment Debates

73– Mover has up to 5 minutes


74 – any other Councillor has up to 3 minutes


 (B)      For Members of the Public


(1)       Members of the public wishing to inspect "Background Papers" referred to in the reports on the agenda or Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act should contact:

Customer Services Centre 0300 500 80 80.


(2)       The papers enclosed with this agenda are available in large print if required.  Copies can be requested by contacting the Customer Services Centre on 0300 500 80 80. Certain documents (for example appendices and plans to reports) may not be available electronically.  Hard copies can be requested from the above contact.


(3)       This agenda and its associated reports are available to view online via an online calendar –
Exempt Items


No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Other Attendees

Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting

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