1. Members of the public wishing to inspect "Background Papers" referred to in the reports on the agenda or Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act should contact:
Customer Service Centre 08449 80 80 80
2.Members are reminded that Committee and Sub-Committee papers, with the exception of those which contain exempt or confidential information, may be recycled. Appropriate containers for this purpose are located in the respective Secretariats.
3. (a) Persons making a declaration of interest should have regard to the
Code of Conduct and the Council’s Procedure Rules.
(b) Members or Officers requiring clarification on whether to make a
declaration of interest are invited to contact Chris Holmes or a
colleague in Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
4. Information in respect of this meeting is available in a wide range of languages which can be provided on request and can also be provided in large print, Braille and audio. Please contact the number referred to above.