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The Constitution delegates authority to the Executive to make decisions about the day to day running of the Council within an agreed Budget and Policy Framework, and these decisions are taken at Cabinet meetings or by individual Cabinet Members. The Constitution also delegates certain decisions to be made by authorised officers.

Decisions taken by the Cabinet and individual Cabinet Members are not implemented immediately. The decision is published five clear working days before being implemented and includes the expected implementation date for the decision and also the report considered by the decision maker, which sets out the reasons for the decision, any alternatives considered and rejected.

The decision is published for five clear working days before being implemented. During these five days the decision can be “called in” to be scrutinised by the Overview Committee.

Decisions taken by the Cabinet, Cabinet Members and authorised officers since 13th May 2022 can be found below, along with decisions taken before May 2012.  Between May 2012 and May 2022, the Council operated a Committee system, all agendas, reports and minutes for those meetings can be found in Historical Committees.



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