Publication Scheme
Lists and registers
Public registers and registers held as public records
The County Council is required to maintain a number of registers, these include:
Rights of Way Landowner Declaration Register
- [PDF - updated regularly]
Buildings at Risk register
Register of notices issued under the Safety of Sports Grounds ACT 1975
Feed premises register
Births, Marriages and Deaths
Asset registers
Work is being carried out towards the publication of a capital asset register. Further information will be available in due course.
Disclosure logs
Details of information released under the Freedom of Information Act:
Register of councillors' financial and other interests
Current information available on our website at:
Register of gifts and hospitality
Information in this section can be provided on request.
Highways, licensing, planning, commons, footpaths etc
Rights of Way Landowner Declaration Register
- [PDF - updated regularly]
Electoral registers
Local district and borough councils have responsibility for the current electoral register.