Adrian Smith: Chief Executive

Adrian Smith

As Chief Executive, Adrian Smith is the Head of Paid Service and has overall responsibility for the Council's £1.1 billion budget and over 16,000 employees who work directly or indirectly for the Council. The Chief Executive is ultimately responsible for the provision and performance of around 440 statutory and discretionary services delivered to 800,000 people across Nottinghamshire including services for children, public protection, social care and highways as well as many services relating to the social, environmental, and economic well-being of the area.

Responsibility for Public Health, leading the Better Care integration with Health and supporting the emerging East Midlands County Combined Authority is also part of the Chief Executive’s role. Adrian is developing closer collaboration with Nottingham City Council, District and Borough Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue, Prison service and many other statutory and non-statutory organisations. All this happens in the context of local democracy, increasing demand and providing greater transparency.

Other duties of the Chief Executive include,  legal responsibilities as the Returning Officer for County Council elections, senior member of the Council's ‘Gold command’ response to civil emergencies and incidents and official role of Clerk to the Lord Lieutenant for Nottinghamshire.

Adrian has been Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County Council since September 2022. Prior to this he worked as Corporate Director of Place for seven years and has previously worked at other local authorities including the London Borough of Lambeth and Cambridgeshire County Council. Adrian has held a range of service based responsibilities, from cultural services to community safety, working with disadvantaged communities, environment and neighbourhood services. Adrian has also worked in a range of corporate roles such as policy, performance and organisational development. A graduate of the Commissioning Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), Adrian has also volunteered with a number of voluntary sector organisations.

Salary and pension

The overall remuneration package includes a basic salary as well as the amount the Council has to contribute to the pension of Local Government Pension Scheme members. Those Chief Officers who are members of the LGPS and earn £170,101p.a. or more contribute 12.5% of their salary to their membership of the scheme. The Employers contribution to the pension of employees, at all levels, is 22.2% since 1 April 2017. All Chief Officers are paid on a fixed salary.

Senior managers are expected to be on call at all times including weekends. Nottinghamshire County Council does not at this time provide any benefits that an equivalent senior manager in the private sector might receive in addition to the basic salary - for example performance-related bonuses, private health care or company cars.

Previous financial years

Period Total salary Employer Pension contributions
April 2022 to March 2023 £166,965 £37,066 (22.2%)
April 2021 to March 2022 £139,478 £30,964 (22.2%)
April 2020 to March 2021 £136,576 £30,523 (22.2%)
April 2019 to March 2020 £132,785 £29,706 (22.2%)
April 2018 to March 2019 £126,968 £28,253 (22.2%)
April 2017 to March 2018 £123,811 £27,486 (22.2%)
December 2016 to March 2017 £37,236 £7,447 (20%)

Expenses claimed

All expenses are paid to employees in the course of carrying out duties in line with the Council's Travel and Accommodation Policy which is part of the nationally agreed terms and conditions of service and detailed in part six of the Council's Constitution, on pages 6-73 to 6-78.

These conditions are supplemented by the Council's local conditions laid down in the Policy on the Payment of Travelling Allowances and Policy on the Payment of Subsistence Allowances, as set out in Appendices 11 and 12 of the Pay Policy Statement.

Expenses paid are liable to tax.

January to December 2023

Month Accommodation costs Business mileage Other expenses
March £225.98    
April   £584.10 £122.40
May £97.99   £214.50
August   £108.45 £16.60
September     £65.50
November   £358.20 £39.20
December     £10.00


January to December 2022

Month Accommodation costs Business mileage Other expenses
Corporate Director      
April     £53.80
May     £203.00 
Chief Executive      
November   £185.40 £179.40
December     £203.00


January to December 2021

None claimed/paid


January to December 2020

Month Accommodation costs Business mileage Other expenses
February     £10.00
April    £571.05 £130.80 
December      £24.00


January to December 2019

Month Accommodation costs Business mileage Other expenses
February    £98.55 £101.40 
March     £163.00
April    £136.35 £88.00
May     £262.50
June     £123.65
July     £145.00 
August    £323.10 £171.75 
September      £62.00
October      £145.00
November      £269.20
December      £197.50


January to December 2018

Month Accommodation costs Business mileage Other expenses
April   £452.70 £158
May     £182
June     £27.15
September    £369  £452.75
October     £40
November    £266.85 £292.20 
December     273.60 


January to December 2017

Month Accommodation costs Business mileage Other expenses
January     £313.90
February     £45.30
May     £170.00
June     £24.50
August     £56.80
September   £278.55 £176.00
October     £38.80
December    £381.15  £33.30


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