The family service

The family service provides targeted early help support for families with worries, concerns, behaviours and conflict to help resolve significant problems.

This includes direct support, advice, guidance and signposting:

  • To improve attendance or behaviour at school
  • To improve behaviour in the home
  • To our graduated family and parenting offer
  • In finding work, training or re-entering education having left school
  • For children missing from home or school
  • For homeless 16 and 17-year-olds, or those at risk of homelessness
  • To young carers
  • To kinship carers
  • For drug or alcohol misuse
  • For children and parents with a range of significant health problems
  • For emotional and behavioural development that does not meet developmental trauma and attachment team criteria

Referral criteria and process:

Attention referrers in Bassetlaw and Newark and Sherwood - Please use the new online service request form which we are testing over the next few months. This replaces the Early Help Assessment Form and the Children’s Centre Service referral form and can be used for families from pregnancy to age 18.

  • Any child or young person at immediate risk should be referred to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
  • Lead professionals seeking direct intervention or looking to step-down at closure for ongoing support should consult the Nottinghamshire County Council intranet for further guidance.
  • Professionals looking to make a referral to the early help unit, to access support for Level 2 and 3 needs can use the new online referral form introduced to replace the previous referral element of the Early Help Assessment Form (EHAF), or to request attendance enforcement provision
  • Members of the public can contact the early help unit by:

In appropriate cases we will offer families a case manager who will get to know the strengths and needs of family and will coordinate support. 

We will lead the development of parenting programmes through Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) working with relevant partners in Nottinghamshire. 

Our graduated family and parenting offer includes a mix of; locality parenting clinics, parenting workshops, parenting group programmes, one-to-one parenting, specialist assessments, intensive family support and interventions for children and young people.

For families with children under the age of five, support will be offered by the local children’s centre. 

If you need to pay a Penalty Notice Fine, please phone 0115 804 1379 or 0115 804 1585.

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