Enterprise Zone cycle network
To help support development of the Nottingham Enterprise Zone and provide cyclists with safer, quicker and more connected routes in and around Beeston, Via East Midlands working in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership has designed five new and upgraded cycle routes:
- Lilac Grove - from the Boots site entrance to the train station
- Humber Road South - from the Boots site entrance to Queens Road East
- Humber Road - from Queens Road East to Broadgate
- Queens Rd East - Beacon Road and Queens Road East to University Boulevard
- Broadgate - upgrade of the existing crossing.
The new routes will link the new Nottingham Enterprise Zone development on the Boots site with key destinations and transport links in the Beeston area, including direct cycle connections into the existing cycle networks and to Nottingham.
We consulted on these proposals in November and December 2017.