Local development scheme

The local development scheme sets out what Local Plans and other planning documents will be prepared by the County Council and the broad timetable for preparing them. It is updated when required. The latest document was approved in April 2023.

The latest timetable for the Joint Waste Local Plan which is currently in preparation is set out below.

Revised Joint Waste Local Plan (incorporating review of Waste Core Strategy 2013) prepared with Nottingham City Council

Stage  Dates Completed
Consultation on Scope, Issues and Options (Reg 18) February/May 2020 Yes
Consultation on Draft Plan Proposals  November/December 2021 Yes
Publication (Reg 19) and Submission Aug/Sep/Oct 2023 Yes
Examination Period April - December 2024 No
Adoption March 2025 No


Please note: the above dates are indicative and subject to change.

You can view the Adopted Minerals Local Plan here.

Updates on the progress of the Revised Joint Waste Local Plan can be found here.

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