Local nature reserves
We are planning to designate five new Local Nature Reserves in Nottinghamshire on some of our existing green spaces. Why not take part in our public survey?
Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are special areas that are protected for both people and wildlife. They play a key role in helping to protect and enhance England's biodiversity. LNRs are a great place to study nature, learn about wildlife or just enjoy the environment.
There are already 67 reserves in Nottinghamshire (including city) and the County Council manages six of these. Explore existing designated sites in Nottinghamshire
Designation of new nature reserves
Having identified potential new sites, we are now progressing three to the next phase.
Each of the sites listed above have been selected for their proximity to significant population centres and are managed by the Council’s Green Space service.
A management plan for each site has been created to ensure the sites are looked after for wildlife and promote public access.
Share your thoughts
Before submitting the plans to Natural England as part of the formal designation process, we would welcome your views on the management plans and the sites more generally by taking part in the public survey.