Adult Services privacy notices
Here you can find information about how our Adult Services use information about you and protects your privacy.
- Adult Services privacy notice [PDF]
- Carers Support Services Privacy Notice [PDF]
- County Enterprise Foods privacy notice [PDF] Please note: County Enterprise Foods is listed on this page as a service provided to adults, however it is operated by the Council's Place department.
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Care Homes Evidence of Vaccination privacy notice [PDF]
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards privacy notice [PDF]
- Direct Payments privacy notice [PDF]
- Home Monitoring Technology privacy notice [PDF]
- Local Area Coordinator Scheme privacy notice [PDF]
- Notts Care Record privacy notice [PDF]
- Nottinghamshire Health and Care Portal (NHCP) privacy notice[PDF]
- Proactive Interventions privacy notice [PDF]
- Protection of Property, Pets and Funeral Arrangements privacy notice [PDF]
- Safeguarding Survey privacy notice [PDF]
- Short-term interventions privacy notice [PDF]