Get involved
There are lots of opportunities for children, young people, parents and carers to share ideas and get involved. Find out more about some of the ways you can get involved in the decisions and services which are important to you.
- Youth voice and youth parliament | Nottinghamshire County Council - Opportunities for Nottinghamshire young people to take part in youth forums, boards and parliament.
- The Nottinghamshire Pioneers Youth Forum - Opportunities for young people aged 11-25 with an interest in disability issues to have their say.
- Youth Justice Service - Opportunities for children and young people to have a voice and shape the interventions they receive through the service.
- Local Offer for care leavers - Read about our offer of support to young people when they leave our care (care leavers). The Local Offer has been put together with care experienced young people in Nottinghamshire, who told us what services and support are important when leaving local authority care. Tell your personal advisor or social worker what help you need when you leave care so we can try to make sure the services and support available are what you need.
- Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum ( - Independent parent carer led organisation which represents children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
- Your voice matters [pdf] - opportunities for parents who have experience of children's social care to help make services for children and families better.
- SEND Local Offer – Co-production - Opportunities for children and young people with disabilities and their families to help review and develop services.
- Family hub networks in Nottinghamshire - Opportunities for children and young people, parents and partners to shape future family hubs across Nottinghamshire.
- Healthcare services in Nottinghamshire – co-production - Opportunities to get involved with the coproduction work of Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
- Nottingham Co-production Community of Practice - A quarterly forum for professionals, volunteers and people with lived experience, who are passionate or curious about co-production, to come together to learn and share expertise.
- Nottingham Co-production Community of Practice - A quarterly forum for professionals, volunteers and people with lived experience, who are passionate or curious about co-production, to come together to learn and share expertise.