Get involved

Welcome to the engagement and involvement page. Here you’ll find the activity to date to consult and engage with children and young people, parents and partners, to shape future family hubs for Nottinghamshire.

Within this section you’ll also find out about current opportunities to get involved in for the development of our Family Hub Networks across Nottinghamshire.

If you live or work in Nottinghamshire and are expecting a baby or are a parent or carer, we are keen to hear from you.

Please get in touch for more information:


Have your say on Family Hub developments

As we develop Family Hub Networks in Nottinghamshire, we want to gather your views and ideas, so that we make sure that the services provided meet the needs of local families and stakeholders. There are a number of ways to get involved.

The proposals include changing the use of Children’s Centre Service buildings so that they become Family Hubs, which will provide joined up services for the whole family, not just families with children under the age of 5.

To help shape future proposals, the council asked local families and professionals for their views to help develop effective Family Hub Networks. A consultation exercise ran from 2 October to 3 December 2023.


Family Hubs Consultation Banner

We received 708 responses, and the largest proportion of responses were from parents and carers (73%). 36% of parents and carers had children under the age of 5, and 38% had children of school age, and 30% of respondents had children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

82% of respondents agreed with the proposal to change Children’s Centre buildings to become Family Hubs. This means that the proposal to change Children’s Centre buildings to Family Hubs will now be discussed at Cabinet in February 2024.

Here are some of the comments we received:

  • Sounds great to me.​
  • Brilliant Idea and overdue​
  • Very encouraging for this proposal. Families need continued help to meet the changing needs of children.
  • These services are important, I am pleased to see the expansion to cover the older range of children and hope the hub will be successful in supporting those that need it.
  • So long as the service that is currently provided isn't impacted negatively, then it's a great idea!
  • A good idea, assuming the early years support continues as it was - have been invaluable for support for my youngest two​.
  • Fathers need to be engaged as equal parents.
  • More help for young children and families that are sufferers of mental health more places to go and more help to be accessible.
  • I think this is a good idea as it doesn’t feel like there is much support for families with children over the age of 5 or if there is it isn’t very well advertised.


Help us shape the Families Support Services and Information for Families

We are currently asking families for their ideas of what support services and information they need. To help us we are asking young people, parents and carers, and professionals/volunteers to complete a short online survey which will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

You can download or share these posters with friends and families.

Posters and links to download and share:

What's next?

We will keep assessing of the feedback from the engagement activities to identify themes and opportunities to ensure that the development of family hubs reflects the needs of children and young people, and parents and partners. Be sure to revisit this page for further updates and to find out more about future events and engagement opportunities.

We encourage you to get involved in any of the engagement activities if you live or work in Nottinghamshire.

group of people joining hands

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