Traffic calming

Traffic calming is a cost-effective method of:

  • reducing accidents
  • discouraging unnecessary through traffic
  • reducing vehicle speeds.

Types of traffic calming

Traffic calming measures include:

  • the installation of road humps and cushions
  • road narrowing
  • changes to road markings and signs
  • changing existing speed limits.

The type of traffic calming installed on a road depends on the type of road and traffic flow:

  • speed cushions are generally used on main bus routes and emergency routes
  • full width humps (sometimes known as 'sleeping policemen') are used on other roads.

Interactive signs which show a vehicles speed as motorists approach will normally only be installed as a response to excessive speed. Certain criteria must be met.

Getting traffic calming installed

We will only consider installing traffic calming in circumstances where a problem exists on roads resulting in community concern, such as:

  • inappropriate speed
  • excessive volume of through traffic
  • a measure to assist in accident reduction.

The decision on whether to install traffic calming on a particular road is based on various factors including:

  • the existing accident record
  • the category of road (traffic calming will not be installed on major roads unless in response to accidents)
  • more than 250 vehicles travel through the site during a typical peak hour and the majority of these vehicles exceed the stated speed limit by 20 percent or more (eg faster than 36mph in a 30mph zone)
  • houses front more than half of the affected road
  • substantial public support is received for the introduction of traffic calming measures.

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