Current consultations


Minerals Local Plan

There are no consultations currently taking place on the Minerals Local Plan.

Waste Local Plan

Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council are preparing a new joint Waste Local Plan to provide the planning policy framework against which all proposals for new waste development will be assessed.

A Draft Plan has been written, informed by the results of the previous consultation and further evidence of future need for recycling and waste sites.  The Plan will be presented to each Council in January 2022 for approval to publish for public and stakeholder comment (between the 7 February and the 4 April 2022).  It will be published on the New Waste Local Plan web page.

Online consultation system

The County Council is encouraging responses to be made via our online consultation system. Comments submitted by email or letter will still be accepted subject to a name and email or address being provided. You can use the system to view your own comments and all the comments made once the consultation period has finished.


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