Local nature recovery strategy
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRSs) are a new England-wide system of spatial strategies established by the Environment Act 2021. The main purpose of these strategies is to help reverse the ongoing decline of nature in England by establishing priorities for nature recovery and identify locations to create or improve habitat most likely to provide the greatest benefit for nature and the wider environment, and in doing so contribute to the national Nature Recovery Network. The LNRS will also inform the delivery of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and help to guide local planning policy for nature recovery.
The LNRS will inform the delivery of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and guide public and private investment, including through the new Environmental Land Schemes (ELMS) and woodland planting funding. It will also help to guide local planning policy for nature recovery.
Across England there are to be 48 LNRSs, and Nottinghamshire County Council has been appointed by DEFRA (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) to be the Responsible Authority to lead on the development of the LNRS for the county of Nottinghamshire. It will do this on behalf of its Supporting Authorities - the 7 districts and boroughs of the county, as well as Nottingham City Council.
The production of each LNRS will be evidence-based, locally led and collaborative, and each LNRS must:
- agree priorities for nature’s recovery, with a written Statement of Biodiversity Priorities
- map the most valuable existing areas for nature, with a Local Habitat Map
- map specific proposals for creating or improving habitat for nature and wider environmental goals
Producing the Strategy
The Local Nature Recovery Strategy will consist of a document and a map which will inform and guide nature recovery across Nottinghamshire.
Key information, including draft documents, details of events and how you get can involved will be available on this page as work progresses.
There are three key elements in developing the strategy:
- Research - identifying local priorities, opportunities and challenges for nature recovery.
- Mapping - creating The Local Habitat Map.
- Engagement - discussing nature recovery with key stakeholders and the wider public.
A draft strategy is due to be ready for public engagement in late Summer/ Autumn 2024.
The final strategy will be published in Spring 2025.
Get involved
We want to engage with as many different people as we can during the development of the strategy to help identify priorities for action and ensure its success. We also want to know about existing initiatives to boost nature recovery across Nottinghamshire.
If you would like to be involved in the development of the LNRS – or if you know of any organisations or groups that you think we should involve - please contact the LNRS Coordinator, Catherine Mayhew, by email: LNRSNN@nottscc.gov.uk
Supporting information
If you want to find out more about what a LNRS is watch the video below produced by DEFRA:
Further information can also be found on the government website via the links listed below:
- Local Nature Recovery Strategies (Policy Paper published June 2023) Local nature recovery strategies - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) –
- LNRS Statutory Guidance (published March 2023) LNRS Statutory Guidance [PDF]
- Nature Recovery Network (Policy Paper published April 2022) Nature Recovery Network - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
This project is funded through the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs.