Evaluate your skills
Wanting a particular job is one thing – being offered a job is quite another. It boils down to your skills, experience and qualifications.
If it is a matter of qualifications – you either have them, are studying for them or you do not have them. Actually, many jobs do not require formal qualifications – but do need the right skills and experience.
A common challenge for people – is that when you have been doing a job for a long time and become very skilled – you 'just do it' naturally – and forget all the skills you have had to learn to enable you to do it so well.
This section is about helping you remember all the skills you have that make you very attractive to a new employer.
- strengths and weaknesses [PDF] - sometimes we have a tendency to downplay our skills or qualities or take other people’s judgement of us and not have confidence in ourselves. Here are some examples – think through them and then think about what you think about yourself. Is your glass half empty or half full!
- developing self awareness [PDF] - quick prompt guide set of questions to think about your positive qualities. If you cannot answer a question – ask a friend, trusted colleague or line manager – you may find they view you far more positively than you do yourself!
- knowledge and skills review (1) [PDF] - this tool gets you to rate/score your skills and helps you link the skills you have to your approach to work
- key achievements review (Part A) [PDF] - this activity helps focus on your key achievements, challenges you have faced, what you did and the success you gained. This is also useful as part of interview preparation
- skills analysis (Part B) [PDF] - this activity helps you analyse and prioritise the skills you have used to deliver your key achievements (Part A).