4Uth 2020 winners

The Nottinghamshire Outstanding Achievement 4Uth Awards is a Nottinghamshire County Council initiative to celebrate the achievements of young people across the county. 2020 marked the tenth year of the awards and looked to recognise and celebrate young people across the county who took action in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic to help their friends, family and community, or made positive changes to their own lives.

In 2020, for the first time, groups were nominated as well as individuals, and there were seven winners rather than one overall winner. Nominations were sent in by friends, family, schools, youth groups and voluntary organisations.

The 2020 winners have overcome major challenges in their lives, such as bereavement, trauma and illness, and have made significant achievements, including campaigning on environmental issues, delivering food and medical supplies, supporting others, and becoming valued members of their community.

Find out each winner's inspirational story below.

2020 4Uth awards winners


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