Sharing your details
In order to enable us to deal with your request, it may be necessary to forward your details to one of our partners such as a district council, or organisations who manage services on our behalf such as Via for highways services or Inspire for libraries, archives and cultural services. They may need to contact you if they require further information.
- An example of a scenario where we would need to pass on your details to one of our partners:
If you are requesting a new concessionary bus pass, district councils deliver this service on our behalf and they would need to either contact you or send out an application form. - An example of a scenario where it would be helpful if we could pass on your details to one of our partners:
If you are reporting a pot hole in the Mansfield District Council area, they are one of our partners and deal with the highway maintenance on our behalf in that area. It is often useful for them to be able to contact you directly should they have any difficulties locating the pot hole. It not only speeds up the process but it can make it cheaper.