Members of the public - report abuse or neglect
You can report the abuse of an adult to us by making an adult safeguarding referral. However, not all concerns are best dealt with this way. Below are some alternative ways to report concerns that may be more appropriate:
- If you are concerned about the quality of care being provided, for example, a medication error by a care home or missed visits by a home care service, please contact the Quality and Market Management Team via
- If you think that someone would benefit from support to improve their independence, please contact the Maximising Independence Service via our Customer Service Centre (CSC) or Tel: 0300 500 80 80.
- If you think that someone could benefit from support, please make a referral to Adult Social Care via our Adult Social Care Hub or CSC or Tel: 0300 500 80 80.
- If you want to complain about Nottinghamshire County Council Adult Social Care, please contact Comments, compliments and complaints
- If you want to complain about another service, please contact the Care Quality Commission.
- If you believe that the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger, call emergency services on 999 or, to report a crime, call 101.
- If your concern is an emergency, but you do not think that it requires police intervention and it is out of normal business hours, please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 456 4546. The team are available:
Saturday and Sunday 24 hours and Monday - Friday 5:00pm-8:30am.
If none of the above applies and you think that someone is (or at risk of) being abused, please make an adult safeguarding referral below. It will help if you have the name and address of the person you are worried about and you can provide information about your concerns. You have the option to stay anonymous if you wish.
If you would like more information about what abuse is before you make a referral, visit our abuse and safeguarding page.