Integrated children’s disability service (ICDS)

The integrated children’s disability service brings together colleagues from education and social care into one team to deliver a holistic approach to support for children and young people with disabilities who are aged 0 to 25 years.

A variety of support, advice and information is available to help disabled children and their families with everyday tasks. 

Search Notts Help Yourself to see what support is available, including: 

  • after school and holiday clubs
  • sitters and befrienders
  • support for parents
  • activity groups for other children in your family 
  • short breaks for disabled children.

We can also provide you with a range of services including:

  • specialist equipment and adaptations to your home
  • personal care such as getting up in the morning or ready for bed in the evening
  • sitters and befrienders
  • independent travel training
  • support for carers. 

To be eligible for support you first need to complete a care and support assessment to find out what help you need.

ICDS education, health, care - assessment team

The ICDS education, health, care (EHC) assessment team is responsible for delivering the education, health and care plan statutory duty as detailed in the Children and Families Act 2014 to children and young people with SEND.

The team manages requests for EHC needs assessments and for the writing of plans describing the statutory education, health and social care provision needed  to meet the child or young person's need.

The team will work with the family and child or young person to produce an EHCP detailing the specialist education needs of the child/young person, the provision needed to meet the need and the desired outcomes.

The team consists of pre-16 and post-16 focused staff. The pre-16 staff work with children and young people up to the end of year 10 and the post-16 staff work with young people in years 11 and above.

More detailed information regarding Education, Health and Care Plans

Duty contact details for the assessment team:

Specialist support team 

The specialist support team offers bespoke, individualised packages of support for children and young people aged 0-18 years, either within their own homes or local communities, delivered by trained / experienced support workers. The team is registered and inspected by Care Quality Commission (CQC). The team offers:

Personal care and family support

  • Assessment and provision of  personal and intimate care in the home
  • Occupational therapy observations
  • Sleep support and advice
  • Establishing positive routines

Specialised short breaks and interventions

  • Short breaks – setting based / community based
  • Overnight short breaks, home or community
  • Specialist short breaks at home
  • Individualised / crisis support packages

Short breaks assessment and review team

The short break assessment and review team is responsible for delivering the council's short break offer to children and young people with disabilities who do not meet the threshold for social care intervention.

The offer was co-produced with children, young people and families in 2018, aims to enable children and young people with disabilities to participate in positive activities to promote independence as well as giving their parents and carers a break from caring. Requests to the service can be made using the online self-assessment which young people, parents and carers can access directly.

More information regarding short breaks including access to the online assessment and eligibility criteria.

Duty contact details for short break assessment and review team:


Occupational therapy team

The team provides specialist assessment for disabled children and young people resident in Nottinghamshire up to the age of 18, who have a permanent and substantial disability or sensory loss which has an adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities within the home environment.

Occupational therapy aims to provide support and intervention to help children and young people with disabilities develop to their full potential, considering the stage of development the child/young person has reached. It can assist with overcoming practical problems and maximising a child/young person's independence in their own home, as well as supporting parents/carers to care for their disabled child/young person safely.

Following the assessment, a range of interventions may be offered.

Duty contact details for the occupational therapy team:

Physical disability specialist services (PDSS)

PDSS is responsible for providing specialist advisory support and guidance to schools, pre-schools and post-16 educational settings, to support the inclusion of pupils with significant physical disabilities and complex medical/health needs to access their educational setting

Commissioning and contracts team

The commissioning team commissions education placements for children and young people with an education health and care plan (EHCP), who cannot access mainstream or special school education. Post-16 provision is commissioned for children and young people who require additional support to access the curriculum.

The team also commissions packages of support for children and young people assessed as eligible for short breaks' provision to meet their identified outcomes and appropriate childcare packages for those children and young people unable to access universal/mainstream childcare providers to enable parents and carers to work.


Ask Us Nottinghamshire (formerly parent partnership service)

The information advice and support service (Ask Us Nottinghamshire) offers impartial and confidential information, support and advice to children and young people, and their parents and carers, to enable them to make informed decisions about education, health and care relating to their special educational needs and/or disability.

Contact Edwina Cosgrove:

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