Social care publications
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- information packs - we produce information packs for people in certain situations. Use the 'Category' search to see what is in each pack.
Click on the title of the publication for more information including links to download a copy.
As part of the Accessible Information Standard, we aim to provide information in formats you can understand and offer appropriate support to help you to communicate. For more information about the Standard visit the NHS England website.
The Council is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring all personal information is kept confidential and safe. For more details see our general and service specific privacy notices
Title | Category | Description |
24 hour Emergency Home Care Response Service |
Easy read |
The 24 hour telecare response service provides access to emergency home care support via a lifeline or telecare sensors. |
A guide to property access |
Equipment and adaptations |
A guide to property access |
A self-funder's guide to care and support |
Equipment and adaptations Self funders |
A self-funder is someone who pays the full cost for their care and support. |
Adult abuse (types of abuse) Easy Read Guide |
Support to remain independent Equipment and adaptations |
This document tells you about different types of abuse. You should read this document with the Easy Read Safeguarding Adults and the Easy Read Safeguarding Adults Process. |
Adult Abuse Leaflet |
Equipment and adaptations |
Information on adult abuse, including who is at risk of abuse or neglect and what types of abuse there are. |
Adult abuse safeguarding easy read guide |
Support to remain independent |
This document tells you about Safeguarding in Nottinghamshire. |
Adult abuse safeguarding process - Easy Read guide |
Support to remain independent Equipment and adaptations |
This document tells you about what happens once a concern has been reported to Nottinghamshire County Council. |
Appointeeship and deputyship – managing money on somebody else's behalf |
Mental health and wellbeing |
Nottinghamshire County Council will, in exceptional circumstances, manage the finances of people who are unable to do this themselves, and have no one else who is willing or able to do this for them |
Bassetlaw social work clinic for older adults |
Support to remain independent |
Support available for adults 65 and over |
British Sign Language (BSL) - personal assistant |
Money and finance |
This is a British Sign Language film clip about what a Personal Assistant is. The film clip also explains what work a Personal Assistant (or a PA) can do. |
British Sign Language (BSL) - Support With Confidence |
Money and finance |
This is a British Sign Language film clip about Support with Confidence. This explains about training, information and funding that a Personal Assistant (PA) can get. |
Buying a stair lift |
Equipment and adaptations |
Guidance on things to consider when buying a stair lift |
Care and support assessment factsheet |
Equipment and adaptations |
Factsheet about care and support assessment |
Care and support in prisons factsheet |
Equipment and adaptations |
Care and Support in Prisons, Approved Premises and Bail Accommodation |
Care and support plan factsheet |
Sensory impairment |
Factsheet about care and support plan |
Carers booklet |
Carers |
Carers information booklet aimed at carers explaining what support is available from Nottinghamshire County Council and other local organisation |
Church Street Care Home |
Information and advice Self funders |
Church Street Care Home provides eight long term residential placements for adults with learning disabilities |
Community Learning Disability Teams factsheet |
Information and advice |
Our Community Learning Disability Teams provide specialist assessment, advice, treatment and support services for adults with a learning disability and their carers. |
Community Learning Disability Teams factsheet - Easy Read version |
Support to remain independent Information and advice |
Our Community Learning Disability Teams provide specialist assessment, advice, treatment and support services for adults with a learning disability and their carers. |
Council Tax discounts and reductions for people with disabilities and their carers |
Money and finance Self funders |
Council Tax discounts and reductions for people with disabilities and their carers |
County Kitchen brochure |
Support to remain independent |
County Kitchen is our quality meals at home service. |
Customer Service Centre - Easy Read guide |
Information and advice |
This document explains the different ways of contacting the council for information and advice. |
Day services |
Support to remain independent |
Information about day services. |
Deaf or hard of hearing communications: 10 top tips |
Money and finance |
Deaf or hard of hearing communications: 10 top tips |
Deprivation of assets |
Money and finance |
Deprivation of assets occurs when you intentionally reduce your assets to avoid using their value towards paying for your care. |
Direct Payment Auditing - factsheet 6 |
Money and finance |
Information on Direct Payments Auditing. |
Direct Payment contributions - factsheet 7 |
Money and finance |
Information on Direct Payments & Personal Contributions. |
Direct Payment Explanation - factsheet 1 |
Mental health and wellbeing |
Explanation of a Direct Payment |
Direct Payments in residential care - Easy Read introduction |
Support to remain independent Mental health and wellbeing |
An easy read introduction to direct payments in residential care |
Direct Payments Pre-Paid Debit Cards - factsheet 3 |
Money and finance |
This factsheet explains how to use the direct payment debit card. |
Disabled Facilities Grant |
Easy read |
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks for Personal Assistants |
Information and advice |
A guide to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for Personal Assistants. |
Doing your own Care and Support Assessment | Doing your own Care and Support Assessment | |
Doing your own Care and Support Plan | Doing your own Care and Support Plan | |
Employing a Personal Assistant - factsheet 2 |
Support to remain independent |
Guidance on employing a personal assistant |
Extra Care factsheet - Bilsthorpe |
Self funders |
Factsheet for Extra Care Bilsthorpe |
Extra Care factsheet - Darlison Court | Factsheet for Extra Care Darlison Court | |
Extra Care factsheet - Poppy Fields |
Self funders |
Factsheet for Extra Care Poppy Fields |
Extra Care Housing factsheet |
Self funders |
Extra Care Housing factsheet |
Get support from Nottinghamshire County Council if you have dementia/Alzheimer's disease |
Leaving hospital |
This leaflet is aimed at people with dementia and their carers and tells you what happens when you ask us for some help to remain living at home. |
Get support to find employment |
Information and advice |
Getting help from Nottinghamshire County Council Easy Read |
Support to remain independent Equipment and adaptations Information and advice |
Nottinghamshire County Council works with people with learning disabilities. Here is information about the help you can get from us. |
Gladstone House Extra Care factsheet |
Self funders |
Gladstone House is a brand new purpose-built housing development, for people aged 65 or over, located 1.5 miles from Newark town centre. |
Guide to Deprivation of Liberty Orders (known as 'Community DoL') |
Leaving hospital |
Guide to Deprivation of Liberty Orders (known as 'Community DoL') |
Guide to the emergency duty service |
Equipment and adaptations |
A leaflet explaining what the Emergency Duty Service deals with, when it operates and contact details. |
Handy Person Adaption Service Factsheet |
Easy read Sensory impairment |
About the Handy Person Adaption Service. |
Have your say |
Equipment and adaptations |
Factsheet explaining how to make a complaint about adult social care services. |
Have your say about council services - Easy Read guide |
Support to remain independent Equipment and adaptations Information and advice |
Have your say about council services - Nottinghamshire County Council wants to hear what you have to say about the services you get from us. |
Home First Response Service factsheet |
Sensory impairment |
The Home First Response Service (HFRS) is a short-term rapid response service which can help you if you need social care support to remain at home. |
Home from hospital hamper scheme |
Learning disability |
If you have been in hospital and are returning home we can deliver your shopping along with your first hot meal. |
Hospital factsheet |
Leaving hospital |
Advice and guidance for people going into hospital. |
How to find and recruit a Personal Assistant - factsheet 4 |
Support to remain independent |
Guidance on finding and recruiting a personal assistant |
How will my adult safeguarding concern be dealt with? |
Equipment and adaptations |
This factsheet has been produced to help you understand what happens once a concern about abuse or neglect regarding an adult with care and support needs is reported to Nottinghamshire County Council. |
Independent advocacy |
Equipment and adaptations |
Describes the 'Your Voice, Your Choice' service tha provides independent advocacy services in Nottinghamshire. |
Is your PA Employed or Self-employed - factsheet 8 |
Money and finance |
Information on Direct Payment - Is your Personal Assistant Employed or Self-Employed? |
Level access shower |
Equipment and adaptations |
A level access shower is a bathing area where there are no steps or lips to get into the shower area. |
Living at Home - paying towards your personal budget |
Money and finance |
Living at Home - paying towards your personal budget |
Living at Home Kit: Technology Enabled Care (formerly Assistive Technology) |
Easy read |
Technology enabled care is a range of equipment which can help to keep you independent in your own home and provide peace of mind to carers. |
Living at home safely for longer |
Sensory impairment |
Nottinghamshire County Council aims to help you live as safely and independently as possible. We do this by offering a range of care and support services. |
Living at Home Safely for Longer - Easy Read Factsheet |
Support to remain independent Sensory impairment |
Nottinghamshire County Council aims to help you live as safely and independently as possible. We do this by offering a range of care and support services. |
Living in a care home - direct payments |
Money and finance |
This factsheet is for residential care service users and their families who are interested in receiving direct payments. |
Living in a care home - how we work out what you pay |
Mental health and wellbeing Self funders Sensory impairment |
Living in a care home - how we work out what you pay |
Living in a care home - Third party payments |
Mental health and wellbeing |
What are third party payments, or top-ups? |
Make a difference become a personal assistant |
Equipment and adaptations |
There are people in your community who need Personal Assistants (PAs) to provide care and support. This may be because of their age or disability such as dementia, physical or learning disability, mental health, hearing or sight loss. A PA is employed by the person who needs care and support to help them to live as independently as possible in their home and community. |
Making decisions about paying for care? |
Somewhere to live |
Financial advice for people making decisions about paying for care |
Making decisions: what happens if you can’t |
Equipment and adaptations Leaving hospital |
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 is designed to protect and help people over 16 years of age who are unable to make all or some decisions for themselves due to an impairment of the brain function. |
Notts Help Yourself Leaflet |
Equipment and adaptations Self funders |
Leaflet advertising Notts Help Yourself. |
Occupational therapy service - safe use of a stand aid |
Easy read |
Information about safety checks for stand aids. |
Occupational Therapy Service for adults |
Easy read Learning disability Sensory impairment |
Paying for residential care |
Mental health and wellbeing Self funders |
Information on paying for your own residential care. |
Paying for support |
Easy read Money and finance Self funders |
Information on paying for your own support. |
Personal assistants |
Sensory impairment |
This guide gives you important information that you need to know about, before employing a Personal Assistant. |
Personal Assistants at Home Network |
Information and advice |
Information on the Personal Assistants at Home Network accreditation scheme. |
Personal Budgets DVD |
Sensory impairment |
Free DVD explaining what personal budgets are. Includes case studies from people describing their experience of having a personal budget and the difference it has made to their lives. |
Personal health budgets |
Equipment and adaptations Sensory impairment |
How to apply for a personal health budget. |
Preparation for adulthood: support from the countywide Transitions Team |
Equipment and adaptations |
The County Council has a Transitions Team which is made up of social workers and community care officers who provide planning, assessment, advice and support services for young people preparing for adulthood. |
Preparing for adulthood Easy Read factsheet |
Support to remain independent Equipment and adaptations |
This document explains the support that is provided for people moving into adult services. This can be called a transition. |
Priory Court Housing Extra Care Factsheet |
Support to remain independent Somewhere to live |
Priory Court is a brand-new purpose-built housing development for older people located close to Worksop town centre. |
Privacy Notice Easy Read |
Easy read Information and advice |
This document tells you how the Council use your personal information and what happens with your information when you or other people share it with the council. |
Quality in care homes |
Self funders |
If you can no longer look after yourself at home, you may need to go into a residential or nursing care home. This factsheet will help you consider some of the issues that are important to you in finding the right home. |
Reablement |
Learning disability Sensory impairment |
Reablement is about regaining skills and confidence to help you live as independently as possible. It is designed to help you if you are struggling with everyday tasks at home, eg getting dressed, getting about your home or making a drink. |
Reablement: welcome pack |
Learning disability Sensory impairment |
Information on the reablement service, which is provided by our Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team (START). |
Reducing unwanted mail and telephone calls |
Equipment and adaptations |
The aim of this leaflet is to provide advice to help reduce the amount of unwanted mail and telephone calls. |
Review of Care and Support factsheet |
Information and advice |
Factsheet about reviewing your care and support. |
Role of Relevant Person's Representative |
Information and advice |
A Relevant Person’s Representative is usually a family member or friend who is willing to act as the person's representative under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. |
Safety advice for older people |
Equipment and adaptations Information and advice Sensory impairment |
Advice on fire safety, avoiding crime at home and how to get jobs done around the home by reliable traders. |
Selecting a Direct Payments Support Service - factsheet 5 |
Mental health and wellbeing |
There are a range of services you may want to purchase to help you with all or some of the responsibilities involved in employing and training Personal Assistants to provide care and support services. |
Shared Lives factsheet for service users |
Sensory impairment |
This factsheet provides information about Shared Lives which is a scheme where carers are trained to look after older people, people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health needs. |
Shared Lives leaflet |
Equipment and adaptations |
Shared Lives is a scheme where carers are recruited and trained to look after older people, people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health needs. |
Short Breaks Easy Read factsheet |
Information and advice |
Easy Read version of the Short Breaks booklet, which tells you about the breaks available for adults with disabilities who live at home with their families. |
Short Breaks factsheet |
Carers Information and advice |
Short breaks factsheet for users and their carers. |
Short term care (respite or short breaks) - how we work out what you pay |
Mental health and wellbeing |
Information about financial assessments for short term care. |
Universal deferred payments scheme |
Mental health and wellbeing Money and finance Self funders |
Find out more about the universal deferred payments scheme. |