Information for guests
We have put together information to make sure you get the help and support you need during your stay.
For any further questions you can also contact us directly by emailing We speak Ukrainian too!
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) offer a variety of services for claiming benefits and finding work. Under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, Family scheme and Extension scheme, Ukrainian guests have the right to apply for Universal Credit, Child Benefit, Pension Credit and a number of disability benefits.
The first step of this process is to find and contact your local Jobcentre plus location which you can search for here. You can also use the UK Governments benefit calculator.
Searching for a job
Your visa status on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, Family scheme or Extension scheme gives you the right to work. In order to work full time, you must be 18 years old and have received your BRP card.
There are a few ways you can look for work. You can visit Nottinghamshire Opportunities, which is a dedicated website providing job and training opportunities within the county or search the government website here.
Transfer of qualifications
UK ENIC is the UK National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills. This service is for you if you need to evidence the level of your overseas qualification for employment, study, professional registration or another reason.
You can apply online by uploading your certificate and an English translation. If you require financial assistance, please speak to your local Jobcentre.
Some professions in the UK, such as teachers and lawyers, are regulated by law and require specific professional qualifications or experience to be able to access and practise.
For these roles, independent regulators decide what qualifications individuals need to have to practise the profession and assess whether applicants are suitably qualified.
To help navigate this process read the UK Centre for Professional Qualifications (UK CPQ). The UK CPQ can provide advice and guidance on the recognition of professional qualifications and will signpost individuals to relevant regulators, where appropriate.
Understanding how the UK school system works and how to better support your child with learning can be challenging. The Bell Foundation provides detailed explanation of the educational system in England.
Guides are available in Ukrainian language and cover topics including:
- how to find a school place for your child.
- when exams and tests happen.
- what happens on a day to day basis.
- which subjects are taught.
- what children need in schools.
- how you can support your child.
You can find out more and apply for a school place in Nottinghamshire here
School uniform assistance
We understand that guests may find it challenging to get a uniform for your children to enable them to attend school.
Our 3 step guide below will help:
- Check with your school. Most schools will have their own uniform banks or providers and can help sourcing the set of uniform for a struggling family.
- Contact local charities, e.g. School Uniform Bank or the Uniform Project Nottingham.
- Read about support available from Nottinghamshire County Council.
Childcare support
According to the government guidance, Ukrainian guests can get help with the cost of childcare depending on their circumstances, including:
- 15 free hours of childcare per week for all children aged three and four.
- an extra 15 hours of free childcare if a parent works and the child is aged three and four.
- free childcare if the child is two years old and a parent is on a very low income or receives certain benefits.
There is an opportunity to get money off the cost off childcare if a parent works or is on Universal Credit.
Tax free childcare is another option available for children 0 to 11 years old.
To find out more about your options and support available, please contact your local job centre and talk to your adviser.
Higher Education
Starting from September 2022 Ukrainian students are considered as home students and thus have access to student loans. You can use the loan eligibility checker here for more information or get the facts from reading the governments Education Hub blog.
Driving in the UK
If you have a valid Ukrainian driving license, you can continue to drive in the UK without exchanging your licence for three years after becoming a resident.
After three years you must exchange your licence to keep driving.
There is more information to read here about requirements for driving in the UK.
Learning to drive in the UK
If you want to learn to drive whilst you are in the UK, you will need to take a driving test which consists of two parts – a theory test and practical driving test. For detailed information of the process, please read this government guidance.
Registration of a Ukrainian vehicle in the UK
If you would like to bring your own vehicle from Ukraine to the UK you can read how to do that by visiting the Government website
Frequently asked questions and answers
What documents must the driver have at all times?
If this is a Ukrainian driver's license you must have your license, insurance, and MOT test certificate. If you have an UK license, it is not necessary to have it with you, but only to provide information in the event of an accident.
Які документи мають бути у водія повсякчас?
Якщо це українське водійське посвідчення – потрібно мати з собою власне посвідчення, страховку та сертифікат про техогляд. Якщо це посвідчення Сполученого Королівства, його не обов'язково мати з собою, а тільки надати інформацію у разі ДТП.
How often do I need to do an MOT test for my vehicle?
Your vehicle does not require an MOT until it is three years old, after that an annual MOT is required. If you came under one of the Ukrainian visa schemes, MOT is not obligatory within the three years in the UK, but it is desirable as responsibility for your vehicle roadworthiness lies with you.
Як часто мені потрібно проходити техогляд для мого автомобіля?
Ваш автомобіль не потребує ТО, доки йому не виповниться три роки, після цього потрібен щорічний ТО. Якщо ви прибули до СК по одній з українських візових схем, ТО не є обов’язковим протягом 3 років вашого перебування у Великобританії, але це бажано, оскільки відповідальність за придатність вашого транспортного засобу лежить на вас.
Can I drive in Ukraine with a UK driving license?
It is necessary to ask the Ukrainian services. If there is a need to drive often in Ukraine and in the UK, it is better to get a British driver's license separately.
Чи можу я керувати в Україні на британському посвідченні?
Треба звернутись до українських служб. Якщо є потреба часто керувати в Україні і у СК, краще отримати британське водійське посвідчення окремо.
How do I add people to my insurance policy?
If I've had a little to drink and want a companion to drive, is that legal? Only people specified in the policy have the right to drive a car. To add a brother, sister, father, friend, etc., you need to contact the insurance company.
Як додати людей у свій страховий поліс?
Якщо я трошки випив і хочу, щоб кермував супутник, - чи це законно? Правом керувати авто володіють тільки люди, вказані в полісі. Щоб додати брата, сестру, батька, друга тощо, треба звернутися у страхову компанію.
After I exchanged my driving license, do my years of previous experience driving count when I apply for insurance? Yes, you can indicate the date you received a UK license but also the period of time you had had a license in another country previously.
Чи враховуються роки мого попереднього досвіду водіння після того, як я обміняв посвідчення водія, коли я подаю заяву на страхування?
Так, ви можете вказати дату отримання водійського посвідчення у Великобританії, а також період часу, протягом якого ви раніше мали посвідчення в іншій країні.
I applied for a British driving license from scratch and the insurance refuses to insure my motorcycle.
The Ukrainian license for a motorcycle is valid in the UK, however, during the check, priority will be given to the license issued in the UK. You need to obtain a UK driving license for a motorcycle separately.
Я подав на британське посвідчення на керування авто з нуля, а страхова відмовляється страхувати мій мотоцикл? Українське посвідчення на мотоцикл діє у СК, однак при перевірці в пріоритеті буде сама посвідчення, видане в СК. Вам потрібно окремо перездати на керування мотоциклом.
Guides for guests are regularly updated and include information about applying to the scheme, finding work, accessing benefits, education and health for children and adults. You can read the guide here and it's also available in Ukrainian
If you would like to learn English or wish to improve your ability, there are a number of course providers in Nottinghamshire that can help [PDF].
The Ukrainian Cultural Centre holds free English lessons on a Monday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. There are other sessions available during the week for varying abilities. Read more about what the centre has to offer by visiting their website.
Inspire libraries are spread throughout the county and offer various functional English courses. Find a course near you here.
The Open University offers a range of free online courses for Ukrainians settling in the UK. Courses are available in English and Ukrainian languages and cover learning English language, wellbeing and mental health, as well as support with study and work. A special course is designed to help Ukrainians with the process of writing a C.V. Every course offers a free statement of participation on completion (which you can download as a PDF) and some courses give you the opportunity to earn a free digital badge, which you can display and share with potential employers.
Bus passes
All guests who have arrived under Homes for Ukraine scheme are eligible for a free bus pass. These are sent out directly to a guest’s address. Our current free bus travel scheme covers bus routes in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby and Derbyshire. Bus passes that were issued to Nottinghamshire Ukrainian guests in July 2024 are due to expire on 31 March 2025.
The bus pass cannot be used for tram lines or in areas outside Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
Misuse of the card may result in a fine.
If you are eligible for a free bus pass and have not heard from us yet, please email with the following information:
- full names and dates of birth of all the guests in the group.
- previous address.
- new address.
- date when you moved.
NottsBus On Demand
Nottsbus On Demand is a new flexible bus travel service introduced by Nottinghamshire County Council. Read about using the Nottsbus On Demand App.
Nottsbus On Demand services do not follow a fixed timetable. Instead, they operate on a flexible, on demand basis, allowing you to travel between bus stops and designated points within the travel zone, where there are currently no local bus routes. You can also use the service to connect to other bus services if you want to go further out of the area.
This new on demand service was initially launched in the villages around Retford, Ollerton and Newark and in the evening in Mansfield. The service is now being rolled out to west Rushcliffe from 15 May. The new West Rushcliffe Zone will replace the 865 service, offering residents better transport links, which will allow them to make journeys more frequently and to new destinations.
IMPORTANT: Ukrainian guests who hold a free bus pass can use NottsBus On Demand service for free travel.