How to get fibre broadband
Check to see whether you can get fibre at your property or business premises by using the postcode checker. If it says now accepting superfast or ultrafast orders, you’re good to go. There are multiple broadband networks in operation in Nottinghamshire, so it’s important to check which ones serve you. If you can’t find information relating to your property; get in touch via enquiries.broadband@nottscc.gov.uk and the team will be happy to support. If an improved broadband service is not available in your area we’ll be able to advise of any work planned in the area, or offer means to improve your situation.
In order to benefit from superfast speeds, you will need to contact an internet service provider and order or upgrade to a fibre package. Fibre packages are available from most providers and in many cases you do not need to pay more.
When looking for the best deal, we recommend you take some time to explore your options and choose the right deal for you. Check out a comparison website and look out for offers in local and national media. When comparing packages, look out for things like:
Check this carefully as some broadband packages can restrict your download/upload speeds in return for a cheaper tariff.
Check if your package is unlimited or whether you can only download/upload a limited amount each month.
Check your contract length. Depending on your package this means you will be signing up for 12, 18 or 24 months.
Check if you can combine your broadband package with your telephone service − you may save money this way.
There are lots of incentives on offer from broadband companies to sign up to their products. Typically these are discounted introductory periods or vouchers for high street stores.