Technology Enabled Care (Formerly Assistive Technology)

Monitors and alarms

Monitors and alarms can detect if there is an emergency and alert a carer or support centre.

You must be eligible for care and support and we can supply three types of systems depending on your personal circumstances:

  • Telecare - sensors in your home are linked through a telephone line to a 24 hour monitoring centre and will automatically contact the centre if they detect danger. We also have a version which doesn't use the telephone line.
  • Standalone Technology Enabled Care - sensors in your home send an alarm to a portable pager unit, which a carer can carry with them in the same building.
  • Activity Monitoring - uses a number of movement sensors to monitor which rooms you use and any times you leave the home.

To enquire about a monitor or alarm contact us on 0300 500 80 80.


Technology Enabled Care Factsheet 


You wear a personal alarm that connects to a 24 hour monitoring centre. If you activate the alarm the centre will contact you to check how you are. If necessary they will then contact family, friends, neighbours or the emergency services. Visit Nottinghamshire Help Yourself to find suppliers.

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