Nottinghamshire County Council Budget Consultation 2023

We want to create a healthy, prosperous, and greener future for everyone who lives in Nottinghamshire.  To help us achieve this we need to know your priorities.

Each year we have a legal duty to balance our budget and just like the people in Nottinghamshire, we’re also feeling the pressures that are driving up the cost of living such as record inflation and energy costs. Many other factors, including a national shortage of social care staff and a need for more funding are also adding to those pressures. Your views will help us set a budget which rises to this financial challenge and delivers best value, high quality services that will improve the lives of our residents.

The survey is now open to Nottinghamshire residents until Sunday 12 November 2023. Use the links below to complete the survey online, or download a printable copy of the survey to complete offline as well as a copy of our Budget Survey 2023 poster.

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