School search

Find local schools in and around Nottinghamshire below.

'Filter schools' enables you to search all schools in Nottinghamshire by name, district or phase. When you select a school, you can see how places have been allocated on National Offer Day over the past 3 years. This can help you better understand your chances of a securing a place at that school.

'Catchment areas' enables you to add your postcode and search for your catchment school. Please note that not all schools have a catchment area, there may be another school nearer to your home address that may not be listed as your catchment school. Find out more about school catchments. The catchment area for a property is determined by the address point, that is the eastings and northings of the home address as defined by Ordnance Survey.

If you are a school staff member and find that any of your school's information is incorrect, please send the change of details to:

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