New 144 place special free school in Mansfield off Ravensdale Road
Under section 6A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (the ‘free school presumption’) where a local authority identifies the need to establish a new school it must, in the first instance, seek proposals to establish an academy. Nottinghamshire County Council has identified the need to establish a new special school in Mansfield to open in 2025.
Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC), as the Strategic Commissioner of Education Provision in the County, is responsible for ensuring there are enough high-quality places for all learners, while at the same time fulfilling the Local Authority’s other responsibilities to raise education standards and to be the champion of children and their families in securing good quality education.
Nottinghamshire’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Place Planning Strategy (2021-2026) states that:
- Despite the planned actions to develop locality working, and the ongoing commitment to inclusion, the analysis of the continuing demand for specialist educational placements … will require the County Council to increase provision over the next five years.
The opening of new school will be the subject of discussion with the appointed Free School sponsor.