New 210 place primary free school for Gateford Primary
Nottinghamshire County Council has the statutory duty to ensure that there are sufficient school places for all children and young people living in Nottinghamshire. In line with the requirements of section 6A of the Education Act 2011, the council actively promotes a diverse supply of strong schools, including encouraging good schools to expand and, where there is a need for a new school, seeking proposals for a free school.
The local authority has been working closely with its partner Planning Authorities to identify where significant housing development will require new school place provision.
The new primary free school will be a 210 place primary free school to serve the new housing development at Gateford Park, Worksop due to open in September 2024.
The council seeks applications from sponsors for the new free school.
The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 17 July, 2023.