Find us on social media

Find us on social media:

Our social media accounts are monitored during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) and outside of these hours you may want to see other ways you can contact us. 

You can contact us on social media with customer enquiries and comments and we'll do our best to reply and answer your questions. 

Sharing information from others

We want to play an active and appropriate part in online conversations and this will often mean we want to share information from other accounts. 

Sharing information from individuals and other organisations is not an endorsement of their views or work.

Liking and following

We want to play an active, but appropriate, part in online conversations about our work and services as well as the communities of Nottinghamshire.

We follow (or like) other local accounts as well as those of other agencies and organisations relevant to our work.

If we do follow or like an account, or share information they publish, it doesn't mean we endorse them. 

Engagement and moderation

Social media plays an increasingly important role in our aim to enhance our engagement with, and transparency and accountability to, the public.

We therefore aim to play an active part in social media conversation and all the benefits it brings. However, that doesn't necessarily mean we will respond to all comments and answer all questions directed to us via social media.

We will continue to moderate all our social media forums to ensure they remain relevant and free from spam and abusive posts. Such posts are detrimental to our online community and we will take appropriate action to prevent a continuance.

We will delete posts which aim to promote commercial concerns or elicit engagement with the same aim.

Pre-election period or purdah

In the six-week run up to an election - local, general or European - councils have to be very careful not to do or say anything that could seen in any way to support any political party or candidate.

We will continue to publish important service announcements using social media but may have to remove responses if they are overtly party political.

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