Procurement policies

Procurement and equality of opportunity

We take equality and diversity seriously and have 'treating people fairly' as one of our core values.

We are committed to meeting the aims of the 'Public Sector Equality Duty' to: 

  • eliminate discrimination 
  • promote equality of opportunity 
  • foster good relations. 

We expect our employees, visitors and partners to respect and comply with government legislation and policies.

Organisations who intend to supply goods or services on our behalf must demonstrate that reasonably practicable steps have been taken to allow equal access and treatment in employment and services for all.

Public Purchasing Directives

Suppliers who wish to do business with any public body will find it beneficial to familiarise themselves with the changes and the provisions that are now mandatory for all public sector buyers.

All contracts above £25,000 will be published on Find a Tender.

Financial regulations

Our financial regulations determine how money should be spent. Regulations may apply to individual tenders or contracts.

Our financial regulations state that all contracts estimated to exceed £25,000 must go to tender.

Find out more about our procurement process.

Procurement strategy

Our procurement strategy has been developed to inform you how externally sourced goods, works and services are selected, acquired and managed. These strategies mean that both businesses and local authorities are expected to comply with procedures that will result in better business with all councils.

Sustainable procurement policy

Nottinghamshire County Council's Sustainable Procurement Policy details how it will utilise its purchasing power to maximise the local impact of fits spend. This policy expands the ambitions set out in the Procurement Strategy which focus on the delivery of social, environmental and economic benefits for Nottinghamshire.

Register of all council contracts

Our Corporate Contract Register will become the reference point for any member of the public, or businesses wishing to trade with us. it will allow them to find out what and where we buy our goods and services. Typically we are reviewing contracts 12 months before the end date.

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